Medicines down to earth


Time of occurrence
1 ECTS (26 hours)
Form of study
Entirely web-based
Ain Raal
Daisy Volmer
Karin Kogermann
Kersti Teder
Janne Sepp
Study group
Program language
The objective is to give basic knowledge on medicines.
Target group:
Everyone who is interested in medicines.
After the course the student:
Knows the main periods in the history of medicines.
Is aware of the main principles in medicines manufacturing and main dosage forms.
Understands the composition of medicines and also the terms active substance and excipient.
Is aware of how medicines act and knows the different routes of administration.
Understands the concept of a pharmacy and the importance of consulting in pharmacy.
Knows the main principles of medicines consumption.
Starting conditions:
No previous knowledge, skills or courses required.
Ain Raal - Professor
Daisy Volmer - Associate Professor
Karin Kogermann - Professor
Kersti Teder - Junior Lecturer
Janne Sepp - Junior Lecturer
Topic Credit Lectors
1. Welcome to the course. Introduction. 2 Janne Sepp
2. The history of medicines. 4 Ain Raal
3. Preparation of medicines. 4 Karin Kogermann
4. The composition of medicines. 4 Karin Kogermann
5. Main principles of drug administration. 4 Kersti Teder
6. Overview of a pharmacy. 4 Daisy Volmer
7. The ABC of drug utilization. 4 Janne Sepp

Location info:
Completely web based course
Learning environment:
Completely web based course
Schedule and further information:
06.10.2025 Welcome to the course. Introduction. (Janne Sepp) The history of medicines. (Ain Raal)
13.10.2025 Preparation of medicines. (Karin Kogermann)
20.10.2025 The composition of medicines. (Karin Kogermann)
27.10.2025 Main principles of drug administration. (Kersti Teder)
03.11.2025 Overview of a pharmacy. (Daisy Volmer)
10.11.2025 The ABC of drug utilization. (Janne Sepp )
Requirements to complete:
For completing the course, all study materials must be worked through and all control tests completed to a maximum result.
Outcome method:
non-differentiated (pass, fail, not present)
Grading method:
Each topic ends with a control test which is required to be completed to a maximum result. Therefore, the tests can be taken unlimited times.
Grading criteria:
Each topic ends with a control test which is required to be completed to a maximum result. Therefore, the tests can be taken unlimited times.
Document to be issued:
Certificate of completion
Registration information:
We kindly ask you to fill all fields in the registration form correctly, otherwise it is not possible to deliver digital certificate at the end of the course. Pay special attention to your e-mail address. If your last name has changed after graduation or participation in a previous course at the University of Tartu, please contact with our study organization specialist in order to receive the certificate at the end of the course with your correct name on it.
Registration deadline:
Additional information:
Merle Tiidemaa,, +372 +372 737 5290
Program code:
General contact:
Lifelong learning center
Ülikooli 18, Tartu, 50090
+372 737 6213

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