Taming the Content Monster - how to reduce content coverage and make space for student learning in our courses


Time of occurrence
1 ECTS (26 hours)
Form of study
Sara Petchey
Study group
Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education
Program language
After participating in this workshop, you will be able to:

1) Base your decisions about what and how to teach on current research evidence of best practices in higher education
2) Connect course learning goals to core concepts in your field (also called big ideas, threshold concepts, or enduring understandings) and consider critical skills you want students to take away from your course
3) Utilise techniques such as backwards planning to reduce the amount of content in your syllabus and ensure the course assessment is aligned with learning goals
4) Create teaching activities which activate students in their learning.
Sara Petchey - PhD
Topic Credit Lectors
1. First day:
What SHOULD students learn in my course?
What is a "content monster" and what does science education research suggest we do about it?
Big ideas, core concepts and skills you want students to learn.
Backwards design.
Desired results of learning.
Students' independent work.
Instructional approaches to improve students' learning: conceptual change in science
8 Sara Petchey
2. Second day:
What ARE students learning in my course? Importance of starting course revisions with the exam.

Sorting the semester by time into units of learning inside and outside of class: Keep or chuck content to fit those finite spaces.
Constructive alignment.

How to ensure students learn sufficiently outside of the classroom (sharing of best practices from participants and outside experts).
What instructional approaches improve students' learning?

Active learning strategies: Systematic teaching with analogies and why this is not only important but a good way to develop student critical thinking
8 Sara Petchey
3. Independent work:
application of the knowledge while developing the course.
10 Sara Petchey

Location info:
Tartu linn
Learning environment:
Studies and teaching takes place in appropriate classrooms, which have the required teaching equipment and meet the health and safety requirements.
Outcome method:
no assessment
Document to be issued:
Certificate of attendance
Registration information:
Ootenimekirja saab registreeruda kirjutades Kaire Uiboleht, kaire.uiboleht@ut.ee
Registration deadline:
Additional information:
Lilian Kadaja-Saarepuu, lilian.kadaja@ut.ee, +372 +372 737 5016
Program code:
General contact:
Lifelong learning center
Ülikooli 18, Tartu, 50090
+372 737 6213

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