Patent attorney Peter Marchand provides insights into patents

On Wednesday 29 January, from 10:00-12:00, patent attorney Peter Marchand will be providing insights into patents. All interested researchers and PhD students are welcome.

As an academic researcher, you may have wondered at some point whether your research would qualify for patent protection. You may also have come across patent documents while reviewing literature but struggled to understand them. This seminar will provide an insight into patents, specifically for researchers in academia. It will look at the requirements for patenting an invention and how to assess whether your research could be patentable. The seminar will also show you how to make sense of patent documents and how to extract relevant information from them that could be valuable to your research.

Peter Marchand is a British and European patent attorney based in London. Before he entered the field, he spent a number of years in academia as a post-graduate and post-doctoral researcher at University College London, working in the field of materials chemistry. This experience means that he is particularly well positioned to help academic researchers understand the world of patents and where their research fits into it.

Please register for the event. Note that space is limited and that the event will be held in English.

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