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Thanks to cutting-edge research at the Institute of Computer Science, BetterMedicine, a company that automates the analysis of cancer CT scans, has received a boost. BetterMedicine was recently awarded a €2.5 million grant from the European Innovation Council's Accelerator.
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Toomas Asser, recently appointed for a second term at the helm of the University of Tartu, has big plans for changing how knowledge is translated from lab to market.
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Mart Maasik visited Copenhagen as a member of Prime Minister Kaja Kallas' business delegation to develop investment relations and cooperation in the region.
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In this year's call for applications for the University of Tartu Feasibility Fund grants, nine projects were awarded funding for one-year development work.
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The Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Maive Rute will visit the University of Tartu.
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During the visit of the Swedish business delegation to the University of Tartu Estonian Biobank and Delta Centre on 4 May, sustainability and resilience were discussed.
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On 4 May, a Swedish business delegation visited the Estonian Biobank and the Delta Centre of the University of Tartu.
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On 18 April, Alexela, Eesti Energia, Port of Tallinn, the University of Tartu and the Estonian Association of Hydrogen Technologies signed an agreement founding Hydrogen Valley Estonia.
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On 17 March, the finals of one of the largest pitching competitions for youth, Kaleidoskoop, were held for the 19th time.
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Last week, the university spin-off company Gearbox Biosciences won a 125,000‑euro investment at the Startup Pitching competition.
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Winner of the Nordic Deep Tech Pitch Match, the University of Tartu spin-off Vectiopep is developing new cancer treatment technology that activates a person’s natural immunity to cancer.
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On 6 March, STARTERnetwork opened a series of webinars to develop the innovation capacity of Ukrainian universities.
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Stargate Hydrogen and the University of Tartu have successfully concluded the first phase of a joint development project.
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The early career researchers  of the University of Tartu are welcome to apply for the annual ENLIGHT mobility award, which will be granted to new and ongoing joint R&I projects (proposals).
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Startup Estonia and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications have prepared an action plan to develop research- and technology-intensive startup entrepreneurship.
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The R&D centre led by the University of Tartu will combine synthetic biology with digital technologies.
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Estonia’s scientists have come up with an environmentally friendly solution for batteries and started looking for investments to build a factory.
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On 25 October, investors and founders of unicorns gathered at the Estonian National Museum (ERM) in Tartu to help 18 technology startups grow into billion-dollar businesses.
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Outstanding Estonian companies were recognized at the festive award gala "Estonian businesses of the year 2022 ".
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The 18th edition of one of the biggest student pitching competitions, Kaleidoskoop, took place at the sTARTUp Day. Seven teams chosen from Kaleidoskoop Pre-Selections participated in the finals.
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