Dora Plus Sub-Action 1.2 Doctoral students mobility (for UT students)

Dora Plus Sub-Action 1.2 Doctoral students mobility (1-10 months)

Next deadline is 15th of May. The study visit must be finished by the end of 2022! Apply HERE

NB! The scholarship could be used during your extension year and academic leave. Applicants on academic leave must enclose a letter of recommendation from the supervisor regarding the necessity of the study visit.

Website of the doctoral student mobility scholarship

The purpose of the grant for the study mobility of doctoral degree students is to improve the awareness of doctoral degree students about various study and research practices and to increase their participation in international co-operation projects, to improve the effectiveness of doctoral studies and to improve the compatibility of the doctoral studies offered in Estonian universities with the principles of innovative doctoral studies.
Action is supported by the European Regional Development Fund. The implementer of the activity is the Education and Youth Authority.

The grant is intended to support the study mobility of doctoral degree students into foreign universities or research institutions. Study mobility means physical relocation to a foreign country in order to study, participate in training or in non-formal or informal learning.

A doctoral degree student may apply for the grant for multiple times within his or her study time, taking into account that each minimum period of study mobility is 31 calendar days and the grant is available for a total of 10 months in maximum.

Grant amount
The grant can be applied for in order to cover the travel costs and the accommodation and living costs related to study mobility.

1. Travel grant

  • The travel grant for study mobility can be applied for in order to cover the costs of study migration travel from the point of departure to the destination (the location of a foreign university or a research institution) and back.
  • The grant is not available for a one-way trip.
  • Study mobility must start and end in the same city.
  • Both trips starting from Estonia and those starting from abroad are funded.

The amount of the travel grant depends on the distance between the point of departure and destination of the study migration. Only the online calculator of the European Union shall be used for calculating the distance

Study mobility transport allowance

Distance between cities (one-way)

Allowance for round-trip (from point of departure to destination and back)

100-499 km 180 EUR
500-1999 km 275 EUR
2000-2999 km 360 EUR
3000-3999 km 530 EUR
4000-7999 km 820 EUR
8000 and more km 1100 EUR

If distance is less than 100 km, it will be covered based on cost (up tp 180 EUR).

2. Accommodation grant
The accommodation grant for doctoral degree students’ study mobility is paid to cover the grantee’s accommodation and living costs. The fixed unit prices for subsistence grant

  • The unit prices for the study mobility accommodation grant are set out per destination country and fixed per day.
  • The accommodation grant cannot be applied for concerning countries for which Annex does not set out a unit price.The unit prices for a doctoral degree student’s accommodation grant are set out per day.
  • The accommodation grant is paid throughout the period of staying in the foreign country.

How to apply?
The application must be submitted through the academic mobility environment, where it is forwarded to the central committee for evaluation. Please submit your application via Working Environment of Academic Mobility. Please add following documents:

  1. Letter of confirmation about hosting the doctoral degree student, issued by the hosting university or research institution;
  2. Work plan approved by the supervisor of the doctoral thesis for the period of staying abroad.

Period of secondment = travel dates
You don`t have to click on the "Create travel order in travel workflow environment" on the Expenses sheet.

If you have questions about applying via Working Environment of Academic Mobility, please contact to Annela Oona,, 737 6539

Applications can be submitted by 15 May. The application must be submitted so that it reaches the Education and Youth Authority at least four weeks before the start of the mobility (4 weeks before 1 June).

Selection is made by the selection committee and forwarded to the Education and Youth Authority by the 1st date of the month that follows the university`s deadline ( 1 June).

More information:
Directive of UT - rules of applying for support for Dora Plus Sub-Activity 1.2

For further questions, please contact to: Annela Oona,

Contact in the Education and Youth Authority: Eneli Külaots,, 730 0716

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