Estonian universities halting cooperation with Russian and Belarusian higher education institutions and research organisations

Estonian universities consider Russia's aggression unjustified and condemn the military attack on an independent state. As a result, universities have decided to halt cooperation with higher education institutions and research organisations in Russia and Belarus. "Academic communities around the world, including Russia and Belarus, have a moral responsibility to stand up for peace, academic and democratic values," explained Mart Kalm, President of Universities Estonia.

“We see and acknowledge the many Russian scientists and scientific journalists who have spoken out against the war started by Russia in the heart of Europe. We regret that universities and research organisations of Russia and Belarus are silent on this issue. We need every channel to stop the war in Ukraine and universities, given their social weight, must also contribute.”

Universities Estonia includes Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology and University of Tartu. Estonian Business School has also joined the position of Universities Estonia.

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University of Tartu successful in ENLIGHT grant calls


The ENLIGHT network calls for application to ENLIGHT Impact Awards

ENLIGHT introduces the brightest stars of the network

ENLIGHT has launched the campaign “Faces of ENLIGHT” to introduce those members of the community that stand out as role models with their achievements and personal traits. Over a span of three years, each ENLIGHT university will choose six people into the campaign. The first one to represent the University of Tartu is the Professor of Environmental Health Hans Orru.