Autumn orienteering course invites everyone to discover the tales from Toome Hill

Sügisesel orienteerumisel saab avastada lugusid Toomemäe minevikust.
Luisa Greta Vilo

From 2 October to 5 November, all University of Tartu employees, students, alumni, their families and all others interested are welcome to complete the orienteering course and reconnect with the varied history of Toome Hill.

The orienteering route was prepared by the University of Tartu Museum in cooperation with Pärtel Piirimäe, UT Professor of Intellectual History. The first time it was possible to run the course with Professor Piirimäe was at the "Toome müks" festival in September.

Toome Hill bears centuries-old traces of the passage of time, so there are always surprising layers to the place so familiar to many. The alternating terrain offers participants the opportunity to enjoy a varied trail with ups and downs. The route runs past several university buildings, sculptures and landmarks. If you follow the course in the order of checkpoints, the total length of the route is about four kilometres. It is suitable for running, brisk walking or a stroll.

The University of Tartu Museum has been operating for more than 200 years already. It started in the university's main building as an art museum, which is still there today. The UT Museum has two other visitor sites, one in the former cathedral on Toome Hill and the other in the Old Observatory. All three are open all year round, telling their visitors stories of science, art, astronomy and university life.

How to start orienteering?

  • Print the map or get it from the front desk of the main building (Ülikooli 18), the UT Museum (Lossi 25), the Delta academic and research building (Narva mnt 18), Biomedicum (Ravila 19), Chemicum (Ravila 14a), Physicum (W. Ostwaldi 1), Institute of Technology (Nooruse 1), UT Library (W. Struve 1) or the academic buildings at Lossi 36 and Vanemuise 46. You can also download the map to your smartphone.
  • Before you start, make sure you know the map symbols.
  • When you arrive at a checkpoint, scan the QR code with your phone. Make sure your phone has an app for reading QR codes. If not, download the app on your phone.
  • The course passes residential areas, streets, green areas and other public places. Be careful in traffic! Beware that there are several objects on the course that you are not allowed to cross, such as fences, walls, flowerbeds or hedges. Similarly, do not enter private yards that are marked respectively. On the map, "no entry" areas are marked with a thick black line (fence, wall) and moss green colour.

Who wins?

This is a recreational sports event for the whole university community. At the end of the event, gifts will be raffled among all registered participants. To give chance a chance, let us know that you went orienteering.

You are also most welcome to share photos of your great moments on the orienteering course on the Facebook event page.

2. oktoobrist kuni 5. novembrini on kõik huvilised oodatud läbima orienteerumisrada, kus saab taastutvuda Toomemäe mitmekülgse looga.
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