Jaanika Anderson Director PhD (Classical Philology) +372 737 5700 +372 5344 7404 r 188 jaanika.anderson@ut.ee CV in Estonian Research Information System
Liisi Lembinen Director of Development PhD (Economics) +372 737 5704 +372 520 9086 (5704) r 187 liisi.lembinen@ut.ee
Elena Sipria-Mironov Project Manager Open Access et al. development projects +372 737 5750 r 185 elena.sipria-mironov@ut.ee
Meelis Friedenthal Associate Professor of the Intellectual History of the Baltic Sea Region dr. theol. r 297 meelis.friedenthal@ut.ee CV in Research Information System Topics of research and supervision History of European and Estonian intellectual history History of theology and philosophy History of universities, history of books, disputations, digital humanities
Janika Päll Project Manager of Helleno-Nordica 0.2 p PhD (Classical Philology) r 297 janika.pall@ut.ee CV in Estonian Research Information System
Vahur Aabrams Project Manager of Helleno-Nordica 0.5 p MA (German Language and Literature) vahur.aabrams@ut.ee
Signe Bachmann Subject Librarian MA (Information Management) mathematics and computer science, sport sciences, law, economics, Estonian e-textbooks +372 737 5729 r 313 signe.bachmann@ut.ee
Vilve Seiler Information Literacy Coordinator, Subject Librarian 0.8 p mag (Translation) education, political science, social sciences, psychology, information literacy courses +372 737 5729 r 313 vilve.seiler@ut.ee
Eda-Riin Tuuling Information Specialist 0.5 p MA (Finno-Ugric Languages) +372 737 5729 r 313 eda-riin.tuuling@ut.ee
Pille Naggel Subject Librarian clinical medicine, family medicine and public health, biomedicine and translational medicine, pharmacy, dentistry +372 737 5780 r 313 pille.naggel@ut.ee
Ivika Pall Subject Librarian biology, geography, geology, environmental sciences, physics, chemistry, technology +372 737 5780 r 313 ivika.pall@ut.ee
Elo Tõnisoo Subject Librarian linguistics, literary studies, history, ethnology, folkloristics, philosophy, semiotics, religious studies +372 737 5780 r 313 elo.tonisoo@ut.ee
Olga Einasto Head of Department PhD (Media and Communication) +372 737 5774 +372 553 7982 r 365 olga.einasto@ut.ee
Anneli Sepp Chief Administrator of the Library's Information System 0.5 p +372 737 5787 +372 552 1498 (5787) r 302 anneli.sepp@ut.ee
Evelin Arust Senior Specialist for Research Database MA (Estonian Literature) +372 737 5719 r 304 evelin.arust@ut.ee
Risto Mustonen Information Technology Senior Specialist +372 737 5713 +372 5389 4473 (5713) r 299 risto.mustonen@ut.ee
Marika Meltsas Senior Specialist for Electronic Databases 0.5 p +372 737 5720 r 265 marika.meltsas@ut.ee
CV in Estonian Research Information System