On 11 April Sanshiro Hosaka will defend his doctoral dissertation “Nothing but Politics? Explaining the Reproduction of Russian Narratives About the Events in Ukraine Among Japanese Scholars and Intellectuals 2014–2019” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Political Science).
On 19 March, Carlos Pérez Carmona, Professor of Functional Ecology, will give his inaugural lecture entitled “A trait-based approach to biodiversity” in the university's assembly hall.
AS Medisoft, in collaboration with the Institute of Computer Science and AIRE, is testing the use of large language models to automate the documentation of general physician's (GP) visits.
The Estonian Doctoral School has received a lot of good feedback after its first year of activity from partner universities, doctoral students and supervisors.
Doctoral defence: Sten-Erik Tammemäe "A ‘bridge of science’ across the Gulf of Finland. Scientific relations between Estonia and Finland from 1918 to 1940"
On Thursday, 13 March, at 16:15 in the University of Tartu assembly hall, Professor of Behavioural Genetics Uku Vainik gives his inaugural lecture on the links between behaviour and genetics.
Indrek Seire and Jaan Vihalemm ranked in top five on 19 February in the final competition of “Science in 3 Minutes” organised by the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
The University of Tartu language award 2024 is given for contribution to preserving and developing Finno-Ugric languages through creating a digital translation engine.
The University of Tartu research award 2024 went to an extraordinary discovery that in industrial hot spots, anthropogenic air pollution causes snowfall and reduces cloud cover.
On 7 March at 12:15, Alessandra Dezi will defend her doctoral thesis "Функции иноязычных вкраплений в интернет-дискурсе русскоязычных жителей Италии и Эстонии: сопоставительный аспект" ("Functional aspects of interlingual translanguaging in the internet communication of Russian speakers in Italy and Estonia: a comparative study") for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Russian Language.
On 21 March at 14:15 Piret Upser will defend her doctoral thesis "Eesti hädaabikõned: tüübid, teemad ja suhtlusprobleemid" ("Estonian emergency calls: types, topics, and interactional problems").
On February 21 at 10:15 Eleonora Beccari will defend her doctoral thesis "Mapping and exploring trait spaces across the tree of life" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
On 25 February at 16:15, Kaspar Valgepea will give his inaugural lecture entitled “How to recycle carbon oxides in waste using bacteria?” at the university assembly hall.