Visual Media Service

The main task of the Visual Media Service of the University of Tartu is to live stream, record, edit and archive videos of the university's important events. Our team has the expertise and technical capacity to provide live streaming of events, regardless of the location.

We can cover ceremonies, public lectures, openings, concerts and other university-related events. We also record and edit educational and research videos and provide other video, photo and audio services.

Please place your order at least two weeks before the event.

Further information:

Valeri (Vallo) Nuust
Head of the Visual Media Service
517 6185

Recording and live streaming of events

Video production

Photo services

Audio services

Ervin Kont
Ervin Kont
Audio Chief Specialist
+372 737 5595
+372 5854 5578 (5595)
W. Struve 1-166
Andres Tennus
+372 737 5232
+372 505 1778 (5232)
W. Struve 1-224
Mailiis Laur
Mailiis Are
Video Specialist (employment contract suspended)