The dean candidates of the Faculty of Medicine

The dean candidates of the Faculty of Medicine are Ruth Kalda, Professor of Family Medicine, and Külli Kingo, Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, and Professor in Dermatology and Venereology.

The dean candidates meet the staff and students of the faculty on 2 October at 16:00 (Puusepa 8, Linkberg lecture hall). Participate in the meeting or watch it live on UTTV.

Ask questions from the dean candidates via the web form by 28 September.

Dekaanikandidaat Ruth Kalda

Ruth Kalda

Professor of Family Medicine

Ruth Kalda was submitted by the council of the Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health.


The main reasons for agreeing to run for the position of dean of the Faculty of Medicine were, on the one hand, the support of several people important to me and, on the other hand, the knowledge that I wish and am able to commit myself to making medical education at the University of Tartu as good as possible.

My own career has been shaped by the University of Tartu and medicine for a long time and in a significant way. In some ways, my candidature stems from a desire to give something back to the university, to contribute to ensuring that in the years to come, the Faculty of Medicine will be a good place for the next generation to study, teach, do research and advance their careers. It is certainly also an important step in my own professional development, in expanding my skills and knowledge.

I highly value partnerships and cooperation and consider this to be my strength. The dean's role often involves cooperation with different parties, including teaching staff, students, healthcare institutions, professional organisations and national authorities. I know I have what it takes.

An important goal is promoting diversity and inclusion, and I can see that as a dean, I can certainly do this, as well as promote practices of openness, collegiality and good communication.

Deans are faced with complex challenges related to funding, continuous curriculum and research development, retention and motivation of academic staff, as well as a wide range of everyday management issues. These challenges are shared by all deans, irrespective of their faculty. I am a team player by nature, and I believe that by involving experts and professionals with different backgrounds and experience in leadership and problem-solving, we can best respond to the changing needs of healthcare.

Dekaanikandidaat Külli Kingo

Külli Kingo

Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, and Professor in Dermatology and Venereology

Külli Kingo was submitted by the council of the Institute of Clinical Medicine, the council of the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, the council of the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy and a group of 25 academic staff members.


One cannot apply to be a dean on their own; one has to be nominated and proposed by their colleagues. In my case, it was the strong support for my candidature that made me agree to it: the councils of three institutes of the Faculty of Medicine, plus 25 leading professors from across the institutes, put their trust in me. I consider their opinion to be very important and encouraging, which is why I accepted the proposal. I have worked at the university for a long time, served as vice dean and a senate member, and know the needs and expectations of the university and its various units. For many years, I have also been involved in decision-making bodies outside the university, both in healthcare and in research and education. As dean, I would certainly focus on the funding of research and higher education, the salary of staff, the quality of university education and its relevance to the challenges and needs of healthcare in Estonia.

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