Doctoral student’s performance stipend

On 25 May 2018, the senate of University of Tartu approved amendments to the procedure for applying for, granting and payment of stipends and study allowances that established the doctoral student’s performance stipend.

Doctoral student’s performance stipend can be received only by doctoral students who were admitted before academic year 2022/23.

The amount of the stipend in 2022 is 400 euros per month. By paying the stipend, the university supports the completion of doctoral studies within the standard period of study, thereby improving the effectiveness of doctoral studies. The effectiveness and need for the stipend will be reviewed once a year.

A doctoral student is entitled to the doctoral student’s performance stipend for up to 48 months, provided that the student

  • studies full-time and, according to the progress review, has performed 100% of the curriculum;
  • is not on academic leave;
  • has not exceeded the standard period of study, i.e. it is not the student’s extension year;
  • is a first-year doctoral student who has not had a progress review;
  • does not work at the university with an employment contract that supports their doctoral study;
  • has not been granted a doctoral stipend or Dora Plus doctoral stipend.

In September 2021, performance stipend is granted as follows:

  • In the autumn semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, the doctoral student’s performance stipend will be granted by 30 September 2021;
  • For 1-year doctoral students the stipend will be granted for six months. After the progress review the stipend will be granted for a further 6 months if the curriculum completion is 100%;
  • From the 2nd year, the stipend will be granted for twelve months for doctoral students, who have completed 100% of the curriculum and who meet the stipend criteria.

Decisions on granting stipends will be made by progress review committees.

The performance stipend for doctoral students is paid by the 25th of each calendar month for the current month.

Additional information

The payment and granting of the doctoral student's performance stipend at the University of Tartu is regulated by the Procedure for Applying for Granting and Payment of Stipends and Study Allowances

Stipends and allowances main page

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