Application Process
Monday 5 May | LLL UNIVERSITY |
11.00-13.00 | Overview of the University of Tartu, Tour of the main building Ülikooli 18 |
15.00-17.00 | LLL University Concept Discussion based on European Universities’ Charter on Lifelong Learning Moderator: Ms. Ülle Kesli, Senior Specialist for Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning Centre |
18.00-20.00 | Welcome Dinner |
10.00-12.00 | Curriculum Development Opportunities - curriculum flexibility - internationalisation of curriculum - work-based learning Ms. Ülle Tensing, Internationalisation Adviser, Office of Academic Affairs |
13.00-16.00 | Professional Development Support for Teachers Workshop on “The Evolving Role of Academic Development: Challenges and Possibilities” |
Wednesday 7 May | E-UNIVERSITY |
10.00-12.00 | E-learning and Support Services Ms. Lehti Pilt, Senior Specialist for Educational Technology,Centre for Learning and Teaching of UT |
Quality Assurance in E-Learning Discussion | |
15.00-17.00 | e-University, e-Estonia |
e-government, e- democracy, e-services, e-University (Intranet, document management information system, study information system etc). | |
10.00-12.00 | CE in Estonia and at UT (Ülle Kesli) Regulations, instructions and support systems, structure, programme manager network, marketing. CE for different target groups: Youth Academy, training courses for professional development, Micro-qualifications, Third Age University, internal training courses Ms. Ülle Kesli, Senior Specialist for Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning Centre |
14.00-16.00 | Tour of the facilities Centre for Innovation in Education and Youth Academy |
Friday 9 May | TOURS/WRAP UP |
10.00-12.00 | Tour of the facilities |
12.00-14.00 | Farewell picnic in the Botanical Garden |
Post-session on LLL concept, online (3h) 2 weeks after onsight training