Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (Erasmus+ ICM) gives students the ability to participate in exchange programs at partner universities outside of the European Union. Read about the programme's other activities Here

Erasmus+ International exchanges are based on bilateral agreements that have been signed between specific academic units at UT and international partner universities. Erasmus+ International partner universities are institutions from non-Erasmus+ Europe countries that have signed student exchange cooperation agreements with the University of Tartu. You can find information about partner universities in SoleMOVE system.

Find suitable host university in the SoleMOVE system:

Select your academic subunit listed under "Your home unit" (institute or department) and set the criterias for "Advanced search":

  • Application period: October application period
  • Type of exchange: Studying
  • Exchange program: Erasmus+ ICM
  • Study level: Bachelor, Master or Doctorate (choose your study level)

Find a host university in the SoleMOVE system that matches your field, specialty and degree. Find out information about teaching, academic calendar, language of instruction, accommodation in the section for exchange students on the host university's website. Don't forget the general planning of study abroad and, if necessary, consult with the programme coordinator or your supervisor.

You can also contact the Erasmus +International Credit Mobility Programme Coordinator for more information on a specific school.

  • You must be classified as a UT student during the application process and over the entire duration of your studies abroad (external learners, guest students, and residents may not apply);
  • Plan your studies abroad so that they fit into your studies at UT - your time studying abroad must end and your results must be transfered to UT before you are exmatriculated;
  • You must have completed your first year of studies at the UT before going to study abroad (does not apply to Master's or PhD students);
  • You must remain enrolled at the UT during your entire period of studying abroad;
  • You may participate in the Erasmus program for studying or doing a traineeship abroad more than once - up to 12 months at each level of study (assuming that each trip abroad meets the minimum duration requirements). The levels of study are as follows: 1) Bachelor's or applied higher education; 2) Master's; 3) PhD. The amount of time you have spent in Erasmus previously (including Erasmus+ Europe study abroad or traineeships) will be taken into account and subtracted from the maximum amount of time you may spend in Erasmus at each study level. For example, if you are a bachelor's student (1st study level) and have previously participated in the Erasmus program for an entire academic year, then it is not likely that you will be considered for participation again (depending on the length of the academic year at the foreign university). This applies even if you have changed your field of study. If you have participated in Erasmus for less than an academic year at the same study level, you may participate again provided that you have at least 3 months left (the minimum participation time).
  • You have to take at least 15 ECTS per semester at a foreign university and apply for these to be credited in your UT study programme. Some host universities require more credits to be taken;
  • You must sign a learning agreement and study plan before going abroad;
  • Before going abroad, you must register as a student studying abroad with the dean's office of your academic unit;
  • You will be considered not to have interrupted your studies at UT and your nominal period of study will be extended by the number of semesters spent at the foreign university, provided you have taken the courses abroad in an amount to at least 15 ECTS of your curriculum at UT. The extension of the standard period of study will be formalised after your studies at the foreign university have been completed and the study results have been transferred;
  • If you have a self-funded (non-state-funded) student place at the UT, you must pay 30% of your tuition fee to the UT during your studies abroad;
  • It's possible to study abroad and get the regular study allowance (unless otherwise decided by the faculty; see here).

Participants in the programme are guaranteed free study at a host university and a scholarship consisting of:

  • Living allowance according to the study abroad period (700 euros per month)
  • One - time travel support depending on the destination

The amount is calculated with Distance Calculator and is based on the following guidelines:

Travel distance (one direction)Amount (back and forth)
Between 10 - 99 km: 20 EUR per participant
Between 100 - 499 km: 180 EUR per participant
Between 500 - 1999 km: 275 EUR per participant
Between 2000 - 2999 km: 360 EUR per participant
Between 3000 - 3999 km: 530 EUR per participant
Between 4000 - 7999 km: 820 EUR per participant
8000 KM and more:1500 EUR per participant

Higher Erasmus+ grant for students with disadvantaged background

You are entitled to apply for an additional 250 euros per month if you fulfill one of the following conditions:

  • received the needs-based study allowance or needs-based special allowance or UT support for Ukrainian students during the semester prior to study abroad or during the study abroad semester
  • a parent of minor child/children
  • with foster care background
  • diminished work ability
  • with health related special needs or chronic illness

The following documents must be submitted to the Erasmus Student Exchange Coordinator when signing the Erasmus grant agreement or by the deadline specified by the Coordinator:

  • the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research's written and digitally signed decision to allot you a needs-based study allowance or
  • a copy of UT’s order to allot you a need-based special allowance.

Inclusion support for participants with fewer opportunities
Inclusion support is designed to cover additional costs directly related to participants' fewer opportunities, which are not covered by the monthly additional grant. This support is particularly intended to address special physical or mental health needs, disabilities, or other health-related challenges. In specific cases, other participants with fewer opportunities may also apply for inclusion support if participation in study mobility would otherwise be impossible without this assistance. Examples of inclusion support include: adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical assistance, assistive devices, adaptation of learning materials, support personnel, etc.

To apply for inclusion support, you must submit your application approximately six months before the start of your study mobility. The application will be assessed by both the university and the national agency. Support is based on the planned expenses; however, at the end of the exchange semester, you will need to provide documentation to confirm the incurred expenses. Acceptable proof includes: agreements (for services or products regulated by an agreement), invoices, payment orders, cash receipts. The expenses must be incurred during the study mobility period and directly by the participant. For more information and to obtain an application form, please contact the Study Abroad Coordinator at the Study Abroad Centre.

The host university cannot charge tuition fees or additional charges (fees for the course, registration, examinations or lab use) from exchange students. You can be charged small fees only, e.g. insurance, membership of student unions and study materials (photocopies and lab resources) on the same basis as local students.

General requirements for applying:

  • Master’s and doctoral students can apply as early as their first year; students of bachelor’s and applied higher education programs must have completed at least one year of their studies;
  • Partnership agreements are signed by specific academic units in order to ensure that the foreign partner is able to offer courses in a similar area of study. Therefore, students applying to partner universities offering courses relevant to their current field of study and study level can apply;
  • You can study for 1 semester (minimum 3 months and maximum 5 months) at one partner university.

Application documents to be submitted:

  • Application in SoleMOVE system;
  • Letter of motivation. Reference letter is not required, but if possible, please mention in your letter of motivation the professor who recommended you to apply.
  • Transcript of records (ask from the Dean's office).
  • Certificate indicating command of the language of instruction at the partner university. All international tests or tests taken in Estonia, including that of the UT Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures are accepted. A minimum proficiency level of B2 is required (in some cases C1)

To submit the application in SoleMOVE system:

  1. Go to the website SoleMOVE
  2. Select University of Tartu as your home university from the list.
  3. Log into the system by using your UT credentials.
  4. From the menu at left side bar, choose: "Applications".
  5. Click "Create new application" to start creating an application.
  6. Select "normal student exchange".
  7. Choose mobility type ("S-Study" for regular exchange studies).
  8. Select application period "October application period" from the list.
  9. Click "save" to save the draft and start filling out the application from the fourth tab "Exchange information".

NB! Start filling the application from the fourth tab (Exchange information), not from the first (personal data). It is important because choosing the study abroad exchange program under "add new institution/enterprise" defines the fields of the application template accordingly. Once the study abroad exchange program has been selected, the application template is updated, before that it is displayed as a general template.

Deadline to submit the application: usually in March and September.


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