The first results of a cross-sectional study on the prevalence of the coronavirus in Estonia

Today, the first week’s results of a study conducted by the University of Tartu on the prevalence of the coronavirus in Estonia were presented to the Government Emergency Committee. According to the results, COVID-19 is not widespread in Estonia.

In one week, a total of 2,007 adult residents across Estonia were tested and interviewed on a random basis, among whom three people infected with COVID-19 were identified. Based on the results, it can be concluded that there are currently an estimated 1,400 COVID-19 positive adults in the country and that the spread of the virus is under control.

“Estonia has so far been exemplary in terms of the number of coronavirus tests administered. The study will give us an even better opportunity to examine the prevalence of the virus in the country and to monitor the impact of the easing of restrictions in the coming weeks and months. As the virus is very contagious, monitoring its spread is key to easing all restrictions and using precautionary measures,” said Prime Minister Jüri Ratas.

The prime minister commended the University of Tartu for making an important scientific contribution towards resolving the crisis that has struck our country. “I would also like to thank all the people who voluntarily participated in the survey and testing and, with their participation, help Estonia to combat the virus. It is an important tool to help us prepare for a new wave of coronavirus cases, so we can respond as quickly as possible.”

“The results of the survey provide certainty that the infection rate in Estonia is low at the moment and the easing of restrictions is justified. We are planning the next stages of our study so that we could assess the impact of easing restrictions over a longer period of time. It is important that we are able detect the second wave of the disease as early as possible,” said Ruth Kalda, Professor at the University of Tartu.

Of the three infected persons identified, two had a history of mild symptoms and one had no symptoms at all. One of the infected persons had been diagnosed with COVID-19 before the study. All three cases are currently reflected in national statistics.

More detailed information about the study on the prevalence of the coronavirus in Estonia can be found on the website of the University of Tartu:

Further information:
Ruth Kalda, University of Tartu, Head of the Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health, Professor of Family Medicine, +372 5698 5599,

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