His Excellency Ambassador of Finland Vesa Vasara visited the university

Rektor ja Vesa Vasara
Rektor ja Vesa Vasara
Kristi Kerge

On 28 November, the Ambassador of Finland Vesa Vasara visited the University of Tartu and met with the rector to discuss international cooperation in the field of student mobility.

Young Estonians are strongly interested in pursuing higher education in Finland. In contrast, young Finns do not tend to choose Estonian universities, except for medical studies at the University of Tartu. The rector and the ambassador discussed how to increase Finnish students’ interest in other faculties and specialisations. They also talked about foreign policy and the mutual concerns about the eastern neighbour of both countries and looked back to the period of restoration of independence in Estonia.

The Ambassador of Finland, Vesa Vasara, was accompanied during the visit by Press Counsellor Sanna Immanen and First Secretary Akseli Peltola.

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