Latest ranking confirms global excellence of University of Tartu curricula

In one of the most reputable subject ranking lists, the recently published QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021, the University of Tartu is represented by 17 subjects.

Among subjects taught at the University of Tartu, philosophy, geography, politics and international studies, and education hold the highest position (151–200). Education, biological sciences, medicine, physics and astronomy, and chemistry have improved their position compared to last year. For the first time, economy and econometrics (451–500) and business and management studies (501–550) made it to the list.

According to Äli Leijen, Head of the University of Tartu Institute of Education, the UT educational researchers are very happy about today’s news. “We have been working to achieve this for a long time and the strengthening of our research activities has been one of our priorities for the past seven years. Several of our colleagues are active members of international professional associations and editorial boards of journals and thus have a say in the development of the field on an international level. The promotion of education sciences is also considered important at the university as a whole. In addition, with support from the EU structural funds, we have managed to strengthen our research groups, involve international researchers and improve doctoral studies,“ said Leijen.

The influential QS World University Rankings are compiled by the consultancy firm Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), which has also been ranking universities by curricula in 48 subjects since 2011. Depending on the subject, the number of universities ranked in this way ranges from 50 (e.g. stomatology, library science and veterinary science) to 600 (e.g. chemistry, physics and computer science).

In compiling the rankings, QS takes into account the reputation of a university among researchers, scientists and employers in the given field and bibliometric indicators from the Scopus database. The weightings of the indicators vary by field: for some subjects, such as art and design, only reputation is taken into account; while for subjects with higher volumes of publication, the bibliometric results wield greater influence.

For further information please contact:
Äli Leijen, Head of the Institute of Education, University of Tartu, +372 737 6441, (interview and comment requests)
Lauri Randveer, Senior Specialist in International Cooperation, University of Tartu, +372 512 9996, (questions about ranking indicators)

Sandra Sommer
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+372 737 5681
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