Musical ensembles of the University of Tartu invite everyone to an advent concert

TÜ muusikakollektiivide ühiskontsert
TÜ muusikakollektiivide ühiskontsert
Andres Tennus

On 9 December, three musical ensembles of the University of Tartu will give an advent concert at St. Paul’s Church of Tartu.

The University of Tartu Symphony Orchestra, Tartu Academic Male Choir and the Academic Women’s Choir of the University of Tartu will jointly perform Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “Fantasia on Christmas Carols”, with baritone Simo Breede from Theatre Vanemuine as the soloist. Together, the choirs will perform Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s “Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen” and Pärt Uusberg’s “Et kiitke Jumalat, kes on nii helde”. In addition, classical and heartwarming Christmas tunes will be performed separately by each ensemble.


University of Tartu Symphony Orchestra, conductor Taavi Kull
Academic Women's Choir of the University of Tartu, conductor Triin Koch
Tartu Academic Male Choir, conductors Roland Viilukas and Made Ritsing
Soloist Simo Breede (Theatre Vanemuine)

Regular tickets priced 15 euros and discount tickets priced 12 euros are on sale at the venue and at Fienta.

The concert is supported by the University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.


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