Recording: 105th anniversary of Estonia's national university ceremony

Rahvusülikooli aastapäev peahoone
Andres Tennus

1 December marks 105 years from the opening of the Estonian-language University of Tartu. Traditional anniversary events will be held on that occasion.

On 1 December at 12:00, the anniversary ceremony took place in the assembly hall. The university’s doctorates and honorary doctorates were conferred, the “Contribution to Estonian National Identity” award was presented and the recipient of the scholarship for the expatriate visiting professor was announced. At the ceremony, Professor of Artificial Intelligence Meelis Kull delivered an academic lecture "On the future and thinking". Watch the ceremony with simultaneous interpretation into English on UTTV.

On 1 December at 17:00 will be the traditional torchlight procession. Gathering is in front of the academic building at Vanemuise 46. At 19:30 takes place anniversary ball in Vanemuine Concert Hall.

To celebrate the university's anniversary, the exhibition of wool blankets woven by the native textile students of the Viljandi Culture Academy is open from 13 November in the lobby of the University of Tartu main building.

On 21 November the University of Tartu honorary decorations were presented in the university’s assembly hall. The recording is available on UTTV.

Gallery of the torchlight procession Gallery of the anniversary ceremony

Honorary doctors

At the senate session on 31 May 2024, the University of Tartu senate appointed five new honorary doctors:

  • Professor emerita Pirkko Koski from the University of Helsinki, for her outstanding achievements in the field of theatre research and the integration of the University of Tartu theatre researchers into the international community;
  • Professor Sabine Andresen from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, for her pioneering research in childhood studies and her long and fruitful collaboration with the social scientists of the University of Tartu in the study of child and family well-being;
  • Professor emeritus Anthonius Johannes Maria de Jong from the University of Twente, for promoting research in educational technology, educational psychology and instructional design, and for his long and fruitful collaboration with University of Tartu researchers in international projects;
  • Professor emeritus Jouko Kalervo Yliruusi from the University of Helsinki, for advancing research in pharmaceutical technology and physical pharmacy and for his effective collaboration in shaping a new generation of pharmaceutical scientists at the University of Tartu and modernising the research infrastructure;
  • Professor Jussi Sakari Jauhiainen from the University of Turku, for his effective work in developing Estonian-language geography and contributing to its internationalisation and for his long-standing leadership in Estonian-Finnish research cooperation in geography.
On 29 November at 14:00, Anthonius Johannes Maria de Jong will give a public lecture "And the winner is … How to decide on inquiry-based vs direct instruction" (Jakobi 5 room A115/116).

Doctoral conferment

Doctoral degrees are conferred at the ceremony on 1 December 2024. See who has defended their doctoral thesis during the past year.

Until 20 December, an exhibition showcasing the doctoral theses defended in 2024 is open at the UT Library.

Daria Arkhipova

Rodolfo Basile

Andrew Mark Creighton

Liis Ermus

Lauri Kann

Peeter Kenkmann

Katre Kikas

Imar Yacine Koutchoukali

Milda Kurpniece

Lauri Linask

Üllas Linder

Irmak Mertens

Oscar Salvador Miyamoto Gomez

Manuel Moreno Tovar

Indrek Ojam

Valerii Otiakovskii

Indrek Pekko

Tuuli Pern

Maili Pilt

Artūrs Pokšāns

Valentina Punzi

Rebeka Põldsam

Monika Reppo

Lydia Risberg

Eva-Liisa Roht-Yilmaz

Danila Rygovskiy

Sergei Sazonov

Rain Soosaar

Auli Viidalepp

Simone Eelmaa

Viivika Eljand-Kärp

Diana Gabrielyan

Tanel Hirv

Laura Helena Kivi

Liisi Lembinen

Märt Masso

Anna-Kati Pahker

Kristi Paron

Janar Pekarev

Sevanna Poghosyan

Kristjan Pulk

Artur Simonyan

Anastasia Sinitsyna

Vladyslav Soloviov

Triinu Soomere

Iuliia Trabskaia

Nguyen Hoang Quan Tran

Piret Viirpalu

Aleksei Baburin

Ele Hanson

Keiu Heinla

Norman Ilves

Triin Kaldur

Triinu Keskpaik

Karl Kuusik

Seungbaek Lee

Laura Lepasalu

Edgar Lipping

Priit Pauklin

Celia Teresa Pozo Ramos

Marite Punapart

Laura Roht

Kelli Somelar-Duracz

Katrin Tomson-Johanson

Fangling Xuan

Ling Yan

Kairi Adamson

Abasi-Amefon Obot Affia-Jomants

Mohammed Abdulhameed Shaif Ali

Ave Ansper-Toomsalu

Egils Avots

Artjom Berholts

Ritums Cepītis

Stefano Ciaci

Iman Dadras

Dmytro Danilian

Maksym Del

Arun Kumar Devarajan

Hassan Abdulgaleel Hassan Salim Eldeeb

Heigo Ers

Sanni Maria Aurora Färkkilä

Mariliis Hinnu

Henri Ingelman

Maarja Jõeloo

Junming Ke

Kaarel Kisand

David Leonard Knapp

Akmal Kosimov

Kertu Liis Krigul

Yogesh Kumar

Siim Laanesoo

Mailis Laht

Daniela León Velandia

Siqiao Liu

Maria Maloverjan

Kerli Martin

Yiming Meng

Joonas Merisalu

Kirill Milintsevich

Kristel Möls

Kristjan Müürsepp

Huy Quí Vinh Nguyen

Sylvester Ikenna Ofili

Ikechukwu Chinonso Ofodile

Leonard Owuraku Opare

Raul Paat

Kaja Pae

Bruno Paganeli

Eliisa Pass

Helle-Mai Piirsoo

Shivananda Rangappa Poojara

Natàlia Pujol Gualdo

Pille Pullonen-Raudvere

Reti Ranniku

Fatemeh Rastgar

Ingrid Rebane

Iris Reinula

Slendy Julieth Rodríguez Alarcón

Marili Rõõm

Ahto Salumets

Anneli Samel

Sirelin Sillamaa

Larissa Silva Maciel

Olena Zamora

Vi Ngan Tran

Raimond-Hendrik Tunnel

Muhammad Uzair

Sainan Wang

Iryna Yatsiuk

Chung-Yueh Yeh

Danat Yermakovich

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