On this page you can find faculty student advisers (academic affairs specialist, coordinator etc). Please contact them directly with study related questions.
Curriculum | Student Adviser | Phone number | |
Dean's office of Faculty of Arts and Humanities | hv.dekanaat@ut.ee | ||
Institute of History and Archaeology | |||
History, PhD | Kaili Kaseorg-Cremona | 737 5651 | kaili.kaseorg-cremona@ut.ee |
Ene Leius | 737 5656 | ene.leius@ut.ee | |
Aasa Saavaste | 737 5650 | aasa.saavaste@ut.ee | |
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics | |||
Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, PhD | Andrea Nagy | 737 5423 | andrea.nagy@ut.ee |
Ülle Niin | 737 5227 | ulle.niin@ut.ee | |
Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics | |||
Philosophy, MA, PhD | Ruth Jürjo | 737 5314 | ruth.jurjo@ut.ee |
Semiotics, MA | Tuuli Pern | 737 5954 | tartusemiotics@ut.ee |
Semiotics and Culture Studies, PhD | Ulvi Urm | 737 5933 | ulvi.urm@ut.ee |
Institute of Cultural Research | |||
Literature and Cultural Research, PhD | Elica Mateo Krikk | 737 5319 | elica.mateo@ut.ee |
Sille Vadi | 737 5223 | sille.vadi@ut.ee | |
Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies, MA | Rika Tapper | 737 5304 | rika.tapper@ut.ee |
School of Theology and Religious Studies | |||
Theology and Religious Studies, PhD | Kairi Ots | 737 5301 | kairi.ots@ut.ee |
Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures | |||
European Languages and Cultures, MA | Age Allas | 737 6255 | age.allas@ut.ee |
Russian and Slavonic Philology, PhD | Viivika Voodla | 737 5212 | viivika.voodla@ut.ee |
Germanic and Romance Languages and Literatures, PhD | Marilii Paalo | 737 5218 | marilii.paalo@ut.ee |
Viljandi Culture Academy | |||
Sound and Visual Technology, MA | Egle Sild | 434 5805 | egle.sild@ut.ee |
Creative Project Management, MA | Marge Robam | 53002207 | marge.robam@ut.ee |
Curriculum | Student Adviser | Phone number | |
Dean's office of Faculty of Social Sciences | sotsiaalteadused@ut.ee | ||
Institute of Education | |||
Educational Sciences, PhD | Anneli Adamson | 737 6440 | anneli.adamson@ut.ee |
Educational Technology, MA | Margit Kiisler | 737 6456 | margit.kiisler@ut.ee |
Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies | |||
Politics and governance in the digital age, MA; International Relations and Regional Studies, MA |
Kirke Laanemaa |
737 6212 |
Central and Eastern European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, MA | Linda Liis Tanni | 737 5154 | linda.liis.tanni@ut.ee |
Political Science, PhD | Aigi Hommik | 737 5583 | aigi.hommik@ut.ee |
School of Economics and Business Administration | |||
Economics, PhD; Business Administration, PhD; Contemporary Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, MA; Entrepreneurship in Economic Policymaking, MA | Anneli Kütt | 737 6318 | anneli.kutt@ut.ee |
Business Administration, BA; Quantitative Economics, MA; Innovation and Technology Management, MA | Maris Luhamets | 737 6317 | maris.luhamets@ut.ee |
Institute of Psychology | |||
Psychology, PhD | Eva Jänes | 737 5908 | eva.janes@ut.ee |
School of Law | |||
Law (Tartu), PhD | Katri Holst | 737 6062 | katri.holst@ut.ee |
International Law and Human Rights (Tallinn), MA | Ille Peek | 627 1871 | ille.peek@ut.ee |
Lehte Leesik | 627 1892 | lehte.leesik@ut.ee | |
Information Technology Law (Tartu), MA |
Katri Holst Merike Vellend Maiu Salmistu |
737 6062 737 6066 737 5397 |
Institute of Social Studies | |||
Media and Communication, PhD; Sociology, PhD | Maiu Reinhold | 737 5697 | maiu.reinhold@ut.ee |
Disinformation and Societal Resilience, MA | Kathriin Liiber | 737 5190 | kathriin.liiber@ut.ee |
Pärnu college | |||
Wellness and Spa Service Design and Management, MA | Helen Viik | 445 0537 | helen.viik@ut.ee |
Sülvi Mölder | 445 0535 | sulvi.molder@ut.ee | |
Curriculum | Student Adviser | Phone number | |
Dean's office of Faculty of Medicine | med@ut.ee | ||
Medicine, MD, PhD; Pharmacy, PhD; Neurosciences, PhD | Kadri Veeperv | 737 5328 | kadri.veeperv@ut.ee |
Liina Pärnamäe | 737 5328 | liina.parnamae@ut.ee | |
Clinical pharmacy, MA | Merle Tiidemaa | 737 5286 | merle.tiidemaa@ut.ee |
Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy | |||
Exercise and Sport Sciences, PhD | Margit Mägimets | 737 5360 | margit.magimets@ut.ee |
Institute of Clinical Medicine | |||
Clinical nutrition, MA | Eelika Kildvee | eelika.kildvee@ut.ee |
Curriculum | Student Adviser | Phone number | |
Dean's office of Faculty of Science and Technology | ltt@ut.ee | ||
Institute of Computer Science | |||
Computer Science, MSc; Software Engineering, MSc; Cybersecurity, MSc | Merilin Piirmann | 737 5864 | ati.study@ut.ee, merilin.piirmann@ut.ee |
Computer Science, PhD | Jaanika Seli | 737 6426 | ati.phd@ut.ee |
Institute of Physics | |||
Materials Science and Technology, MSc | Küllike Rägo | 737 5570 | kullike.rago@ut.ee |
Institute of Chemistry | |||
Chemistry, PhD; Molecular Engineering, PhD Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, MSc; Applied Measurement Science, MSc; Materials and Processes for Sustainable Energetics, MSc | Urve Soonets | 737 5235 | urve.soonets@ut.ee |
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics | |||
Mathematics, PhD; Mathematical Statistics, PhD; Actuarial and Financial Engineering, MSc; | Kelli Kalda | 737 5453 | kelli.kalda@ut.ee |
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | |||
Gene Technology, PhD; Molecular and Cell Biology, PhD | Lilian Kadaja-Saarepuu | 737 5016 | lilian.kadaja@ut.ee |
Institute of Bioengineering | |||
Science and Technology, BSc; Bioengineering, MSc | Liili Laan | 737 5043 | liili.laan@ut.ee |
Institute of Technology | |||
Bioengineering, MSc | Liili Laan | 737 5043 | liili.laan@ut.ee |
Computer Engineering, BSc; Robotics and Computer Engineering, MSc | Liina Katherine Viikmaa | 737 4882 | liina.viikmaa@ut.ee |
Engineering and Technology, PhD | Liina Katherine Viikmaa | 737 4882 | liina.viikmaa@ut.ee |
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences | |||
Geoinformatics for Urbanised Society, MSc; Geography, PhD; Environmental Technology, PhD; Botany and Ecology, PhD; Geology, PhD; Zoology and Hydrobiology, PhD; Educational Science, PhD | Margret Sisask | 737 5835 | margret.sisask@ut.ee |
This table is updated once a year at the beginning of academic year. If something needs changing, please contact: noustaja@ut.ee.
Academic affairs specialists can also be found in SIS curricula information: ois2.ut.ee