In January, the University of Tartu will hold its first ever Digital Cleanup Month. The university invites you to dedicate at least 30 minutes every week to get rid of your digital waste and tidy up your personal or unit’s digital space. The second week of the Digital Cleanup Month focuses on cleaning up smart devices.
The first winners of raffle prizes are UT staff member Dage Särg and student Tiiu Soomer. We will contact the winners.
When cleaning your smart device, the following principles may be helpful.
You can register your participation in the Digital Cleanup Month via the web form. Every Monday, there will be a draw to win great prizes from the university's gift shop.
In cooperation with the Estates Office, the IT Office has placed special digital waste bins in the university’s academic buildings (Nooruse 1, Ravila 14a, Ravila 19, W. Ostwaldi 1, Riia 23, Jakobi 2, Jakobi 5, Lossi 36, Ülikooli 18, Narva mnt 18, Uppsala 10, Vanemuise 46, J. Liivi 2, Lossi 3, Näituse 2, Näituse 20, W. Struve 1, Ujula 4 and Ülikooli 17) The bins are meant for unnecessary external data carriers: flash drives, floppy disks, CDs and DVDs, smart cards, cassettes, and old video and audio tapes.
Please do not put hard drives, phones and other electronic devices in the digital waste bins.
The labelled bins will be available in the study buildings from 6 January to 3 February.