Topic: international

Sessão Informativa Online da TalTech e Universidade de Tartu
Participe da sessão informativa online sobre as duas principais universidades da Estônia: TalTech e Universidade de Tartu! Ambas oferecem programas de bacharelado e mestrado em inglês, com diversas áreas de estudo.
TalTechin ja Tarton yliopiston online-infotilaisuus
Tervetuloa Tallinnan teknillisen yliopiston (TalTech) ja Tarton yliopiston online-infotilaisuuteen! Tilaisuudessa esitellään englanninkielisiä kandidaatti- ja maisteriohjelmia sekä tietoa hakuprosessista, apurahoista ja elämästä Virossa.
TalTech and University of Tartu Online Info Session
Join Estonia's leading universities, TalTech and the University of Tartu, for an information session on English-taught undergraduate and master’s programmes.
Rector participated in flag ceremony marking Estonia’s full membership in CERN
On 17 October, Rector Toomas Asser accompanied President Alar Karis to the flag-raising ceremony at the headquarters of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
22. October 2024 internationalresearch
ENLIGHT’s research and innovation dimension enters a new phase
As of 31 August 2024, the ENLIGHT RISE project funded by the EU research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020 is officially closed. The project focused on increasing the potential and innovation in research. Within three years, various accomplishments were achieved that remain accessible for those interested. 
17. October 2024 cooperationinternational
University of Tartu rector and researchers presented Estonian research in Japan
From 3 to 10 October, University of Tartu researchers and Rector Toomas Asser participated in a science and technology forum in Japan.
16. October 2024 cooperationinternational
Delta Trends Day 2024 is held on the 12th of November
Delta Trends Day 2024 is on the 12th of November, covering the topic Future Accounting and Finance: Digital and Sustainable.
Two large book donations supplement the library’s humanities collection
In the summer, two large book donations were made to the University of Tartu Library, adding to its existing collection of books on the classical and early modern periods.
Ambassador of India will give a talk about India's foreign policy on October 9th
On Wednesday, October 9th, the Indian Ambassador to Estonia, H.E. Mr Ajaneesh Kumar, will give a lecture on India's foreign policy and international relations. The lecture is open to the public and is held in English.
04. October 2024 international
The Guild: we need much more Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions!
The Guild is calling for an increase in the budget of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) to support the training of the young researchers.
04. October 2024 internationalresearch