Gautier Dufau

ENLIGHT’s research and innovation dimension enters a new phase

As of 31 August 2024, the ENLIGHT RISE project funded by the EU research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020 is officially closed. The project focused on increasing the potential and innovation in research. Within three years, various accomplishments were achieved that remain accessible for those interested.  
Some of the most remarkable accomplishments were creating the research and innovation observatory, a toolkit to foster researchers’ cooperation, the impact repository for assessing and measuring research impact, and the agreement on the open science common principles endorsed by the rectors of the ENLIGHT universitiess.  
The RISE project focused on knowledge sharing to support our researchers and joint research projects by providing access to helpful content and materials. To that end, online tools were created and online lectures, seminars, and workshops were provided. Networking and matchmaking events were the key elements of the project. 
Researchers of the ten ENLIGHT universities collaborated regularly via focus groups, and some of their initiatives have led to high-level research collaboration beyond the project. Some RISE teams will continue working together in the second phase of ENLIGHT.  
Various awards were created to recognise researchers for their outstanding research initiatives, including the R&I Mobility Awards, Open Science Awards, Impact Awards, and more. The Risk and Resilience Research Group led by Kati Orru of the University of Tartu won the ENLIGHT Impact Award in digital revolution in 2023. 
All online toolkits and resources will remain available on the ENLIGHT website. Also, the ENLIGHT matchmaking platform will remain open for networking until the end of January 2025.
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