Topic: open science

The 23rd International Gene Forum 2024 is taking place in Tartu on September 24-25
The Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu and the Estonian Genome Foundation cordially invite you to The 23rd International Gene Forum 2024 on September 24th – 25th, 2024.
21. August 2024 open scienceinternational
Professor Sabine Andresen's public lecture "Lessons from survivors’ reports about child sexual abuse. The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany"
On 26 August, from 14:15 to 15:45, Sabine Andresen, Professor of Social Pedagogy and Family Research at the Department of Educational Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, will give a public lecture "Lessons from survivors’ reports about child sexual abuse. The Independent Inquiry into child sexual abuse in Germany", in Room 215 at Lossi 36.
Doctoral defence: Sirelin Sillamaa "The role of helicases Hmi1 and lrc3 in yeast mitochondrial DNA maintenance"
On 11 June at 10:15 Sirelin Sillamaa will defend her doctoral thesis “The role of helicases Hmi1 and lrc3 in yeast mitochondrial DNA maintenance“.
What are different aspects of the sixth mass extinction?
The international conference "Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery" held on 5–7 June 2024 at UT Oecologicum (J. Liivi 2, Tartu) sheds light on the various aspects of biodiversity loss and discusses cultural, subjective, and semiotic approaches to understanding species extinction. Registration is open until 23 May.
ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus webinar series on Open Science
The first webinar of the series on Open Science will take place on 13 December. Pia Voigt from Leipzig University will present on Open Science practices and challenges in a European university alliance.
16. November 2023 open science
ENLIGHT RISE has prepared an Open Science Toolkit
A recently published Open Science Toolkit developed within the ENLIGHT RISE project aims to help and support researchers in their work.
18. October 2023 open science
Professor Nelli Piattoeva: public lecture „Restor(y)ing (post)socialist childhoods“
On 21 November, from 16:15 to 17:45, Nelli Piattoeva, Professor of sociology of education at Tampere University, will give a lecture in Room 204 at Lossi 36.
Challenges of interdisciplinary research from the perspective of philosophy of science - workshop
The hybrid workshop 4-5 Oct, 2023, rooms 336, 306 at Jakobi 2, Tartu and Zoom.
What makes individuals fall through the safety nets during disasters?
At the initiative of Kati Orru, Associate Professor of Sociology of Sustainability at the University of Tartu, the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, a flagship journal of crisis sociology, has published a special issue.