Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Kadri Härginen “Due diligence obligations of a contracting authority under the EU public procurement law”
On 21 August at 11:00 Kadri Härginen will defend her doctoral thesis “Due diligence obligations of a contracting authority under the EU public procurement law”
07. July 2023 researchfor society
Lecturer at the Institute of Computer Science co-founded a company that received a large grant from the European Innovation Council
Thanks to cutting-edge research at the Institute of Computer Science, BetterMedicine, a company that automates the analysis of cancer CT scans, has received a boost. BetterMedicine was recently awarded a €2.5 million grant from the European Innovation Council's Accelerator.
University of Tartu helped to develop IT infrastructure for personalised medicine
UT has completed the IT infrastructure for personalised medicine, enabling Estonian doctors and nurses to use genetic data for disease prevention and finding the best treatment plan for each person.
University of Tartu researcher received Europe’s most prestigious research grant to study the formation, cycle and effect of laughing gas emitted from peat soils
Ülo Mander received the Advanced Grant from the European Research Council to study the N2O cycle, its links to climate change, and land-use practices that could help curb its production in the future.
04. July 2023 sustainabilityresearch
Opening event for teaming for excellence projects in digitalised bioengineering and personalised medicine
In September, work will start on the international projects of the digitalised bioengineering research centre and the personalised medicine research centre.
30. June 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Hanna Pook "Pronoun use and variation in Estonian dialects: kes 'who', mis 'what' and keegi 'someone'"
Doctoral defence: Hanna Pook "Pronoun use and variation in Estonian dialects: kes 'who', mis 'what' and keegi 'someone'". 24 August 2023 at 13.00.
30. June 2023 research
ENLIGHT pursues its ambitions and successfully secures 14.4 million € 
The European Commission has published the selection results of the 2023 Erasmus+ call for proposals for European Universities.
Estonian Academy of Sciences elected two University of Tartu researchers as academy research professors
The board of the Estonian Academy of Sciences elected Andrey Makarychev and Heiki Junninen the academy's research professors for 2023 - 2024.
28. June 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Rain Inno “Placental transcriptome and miRNome in normal and complicated pregnancies”
On 28 June at 10:15 Rain Inno will defend his doctoral thesis „Placental transcriptome and miRNome in normal and complicated pregnancies“
01. June 2023 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Kadri Arumäe “Personality traits and body weight: from accurate descriptions to tests of causation”
On August 30 at 14:15 Kadri Arumäe will defend her doctoral thesis “Personality traits and body weight: from accurate descriptions to tests of causation” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Psychology).
20. June 2023 researchfor society