On 11 February, the University of Tartu Library hosts the Estonian Doctoral School’s career conference “The value of a doctoral degree on the job market” where top professionals with a doctoral degree and current doctoral students discuss the added value of doctoral studies.
On 31 March at 10:15 Lona Päll will defend her doctoral thesis "Bridging the disconnections: an ecosemiotic approach to place-lore in environmental conflict communication" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Semiotics and Culture Studies).
On 21 February at 14:15 Jack Royd Hall will defend his doctoral thesis "Dissolved organic carbon dynamics of Baltic Sea macroalgae: production, bioavailability and ecosystem effects" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Hydrobiology and Fisheries).
Parliament speakers of five countries who met to mark the 105th anniversary of the Tartu Peace Treaty discussed what kind of a peace treaty is needed to end the war and attain lasting peace in Ukraine. They also talked about the universities’ role in ensuring lasting peace.
On 19 February at 13.15 Rauno Sedrik will defend his doctoral thesis “Synthesis and investigation of polymers from different cyclic bio-based monomers”.
10. veebruaril algusega kell 14.15 kaitseb Jan-Michael Cayme keemia erialal doktoritööd „Organic-inorganic interactions in experimental and archaeological ceramics“.
On 21 February at 14, university members were invited to the ceremony and concert dedicated to the 107th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia in the university’s assembly hall.
7. veebruaril kell 10.00 kaitseb Liva Rudzite-Celmina õigusteaduse erialal doktoritööd „Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“ („Tehisintellekti kaasav looming ja Euroopa patendikonventsioon: õiguslikud tagajärjed ja võimalikud lahendused“).