Topic: for student

Martin Haamer: Being a student representative is perhaps most useful for a doctoral student
Ökoloogia ja maateaduste instituudi doktorant Martin Haamer ülikooli algusaastatel Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesinduses (TÜÜE) osalemise vastu huvi ei tundnud, kuid möödunud kevadel leidis ta end saatuse tahtel siiski kandideerimisvormi täitmast. Doktorandina TÜÜE-sse kuulumine on Haamri sõnul osutunud oodatust kasulikumaks ning võimaldanud otseselt doktoriõppe korraldusse panustada.
13. March 2025 for student
Student representative Eneken Riin Salong: the representative experience is exactly what you make it
Riigiteaduseid õppiv Eneken Riin Salongi ajendas Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasindusse (TÜÜE) kandideerima soov end täiendada. Nüüd, pea kaheksa kuud hiljem tunneb ta, et esindajaroll annab niivõrd palju – oskusi ja kogemusi, uusi suhteid ning võimalusi ennast proovile panna.
13. March 2025 for student
Public Online Lecture Series on Mobility Analysis and Planning for Human-Scale Cities
The online lecture series features leading experts and scholars in mobility and transport from Estonia and beyond.
14. March 2025 open sciencefor student
Leave your mark – come join the University of Tartu Student Union!
Alates 24. märtsist on võimalik kandideerida Tartu Ülikooli valdkonna ja instituudi üliõpilasesindajaks. Kandideerida saavad kõik Tartu Ülikooli tudengid, kes soovivad seista üliõpilaste huvide ja vajaduste eest ning muuta üheskoos ülikooli paremaks.
06. March 2025 for studentstudies
Five superpowers that doctoral studies will develop in you
Doctoral studies offer the chance to become an expert in a narrow field while also developing the skills of making connections and the ability to process information, manage challenging projects, learn from criticism, and, at the same time, manage time efficiently.
More than 160 students took part in the mentoring programme in the autumn semester
This year’s mentoring programme, which drew a record number of participants – 167 mentoring pairs, ended on 19 February.
03. March 2025 for studentalumni
University of Tartu students are welcome to apply for ENLIGHT Inclusion and Sustainability Awards
All bachelor’s and master’s students of the University of Tartu are invited to apply for the ENLIGHT Inclusion and Sustainability Awards to be presented at the Teaching and Learning Conference in Uppsala on 8–10 October 2025. The awards acknowledge students who have demonstrated dedication to promoting diversity, inclusion, accessibility and sustainability through their projects, initiatives or research.
ENLIGHT virtual courses
ENLIGHT invites students to participate in virtual (online) courses during the autumn semester of the academic year 2025/2026. The online course is a great way to enhance your knowledge at a foreign university while simultaneously studying at the University of Tartu.
UT Library’s system for booking group work rooms will be updated
The students can book the rooms by logging into the system with their university credentials.
20. February 2025 servicesfor studentstudies
Exploring the world: the benefits of studying abroad at the University of Tartu
Studying abroad is a life-changing experience, and the University of Tartu offers a wide range of opportunities through different programmes, such as Erasmus+, ISEP, etc.