Margus Kurm -
Lauri Mälksoo -
Merle Erikson -
Karin Sein -
Gaabriel Tavits -
Janno Lahe -
Ülle Madise -
Kalev Saare -
Andreas Kangur -
Katre Luhamaa -
Mait Laaring -
Tiina Karm -
Urmas Volens -
Piia Kalamees -
Carri Ginter -
Age Värv -
Gea Lepik -
Learning environment:
Studies and teaching takes place in appropriate classrooms, which have the required teaching equipment and meet the health and safety requirements.
Outcome method:
non-differentiated (pass, fail, not present)
Document to be issued:
Certificate of completion
Registration deadline:
Additional information:
Kerli Mangelsoo, kerli.mangelsoo@ut.ee, +372 +372 627 1886
Program code: