Harmonia Universitatis series continues with the concert “Kurt Weill 125”

Dirigent Toomas Vavilov ja viiuldaja Mari Poll
Dirigent Toomas Vavilov ja viiuldaja Mari Poll
Eesti Muusika - ja Teatriakadeemia

The second concert in the Harmonia Universitatis series of the University of Tartu and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) “Kurt Weill 125” will take place in the university assembly hall on 1 April at 18.

The EAMT wind orchestra conducted by Toomas Vavilov will perform at the concert, with violinist Mari Poll as the soloist. The German-born composer Kurt Weill, who later worked in America, combined sharp social criticism, jazz and theatricality in his music. With Bertold Brecht, he created The Threepenny Opera and Mahagonny, which shocked audiences and changed the musical theatre of the time. After leaving Germany, Weill shaped the musical genre in America with innovative works that resonated with the Broadway public.

Conductor Toomas Vavilov graduated in clarinet, studied orchestral conducting and trained further as a conductor and clarinettist. He has conducted several Estonian orchestras and performed as a clarinettist at several venues worldwide. Vavilov works as a clarinet professor at EAMT and the conductor of the EAMT wind orchestra.

Mari Poll-Novaković has given concerts in many parts of the world as a soloist and chamber musician. She has won numerous awards both in Estonian and international competitions. She has been the concertmaster of the orchestra of the Estonian National Opera since the 2019/2020 season and teaches the violin at EAMT.

The concert is free for all school and university students. The tickets are sold on Piletikeskus or at the venue. Please note that students also need to download their free tickets from Piletikeskus. Anyone using a discount should be prepared to present a document proving the right to the discount.

In the Harmonia Universitatis series, EAMT students and lecturers welcome the audiences to a musical voyage of discovery, offering timeless classical music and more recent compositions by Estonian and foreign composers. The concert series was launched to offer beautiful musical experiences to South Estonian people in the magnificent assembly hall of the University of Tartu.


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