President awards decorations to University of Tartu staff members

Lipud peahoones ees
Lipud peahoones ees
Andres Tennus

Ahead of this year’s Independence Day, President Alar Karis bestows Estonian state decorations on 157 people, twelve of whom are members of the university family.

“Awarding state decorations to our people and our supporters abroad is an affirmation of the values that Estonia stands for and holds dear. Openness and democracy, wisdom and compassion, determination and entrepreneurship, perseverance and even bravery – these are the principles that unite the recipients of these decorations,” emphasized President Alar Karis.

The Order of Merit of the National Coat of Arms, First Class, goes to Professor of Archaeogenetics and Professor of Population Genetics, promoter of research, Academician Richard Villems.

The Order of Merit of the White Star, Third Class, goes to Professor of Mathematical Statistics and Associate Professor of Biostatistics, promoter of mathematical statistics and biostatistics, Academician Krista Fischer.

The Order of Merit of the White Star, Fourth Class, goes to

  • Triin Koch, Conductor of the Academic Women’s Choir and Chamber Choir of the University of Tartu;
  • Lembi Lõugas, Associate Professor in Archaeozoology;
  • Mari Moora, Vice Rector for Research and Professor in Community Ecology;
  • Raivo Mänd, Professor emeritus of the Faculty of Science and Technology, animal ecologist;
  • Tiiu Paas, Professor emerita of the Faculty of Social Sciences, economist;
  • Triin Vihalemm, Professor of Communication Studies, sociologist.

The Order of Merit of the White Star, Fifth Class, goes to

  • Taavi Pae, Associate Professor in Estonian Geography;
  • Marko Veisson, Teacher in Sociology and Cultural Anthropology, musician;
  • Hedi-Kai Pai, Lecturer of Singing and Vocal Training, promoter of music events in Viljandi County.

The Order of the Estonian Red Cross, Third Class, goes to Oivi Uibo, Associate Professor of Paediatric Gastroenterology, paediatrician and promoter of paediatric nutrition.

The ceremony of presenting decorations takes place on 22 February at Tallinn College of Music and Ballet (MUBA). The recording of the event will be broadcast on ETV on 24 February.

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