Dora Plus grant for visiting doctoral students

As the Dora Plus program is ending soon, there won't be any new calls.

Dora Plus sub-activity 2.2. enables to support the studies and research of international visiting doctoral students at the University of Tartu during 1–10 months. The minimum period of study mobility is 30 calendar days.

Dora Plus sub-activity 2.2 is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Estonia. Dora Plus is implemented by the Education and Youth Authority.

Who can apply?


  • who is a doctoral student at the foreign university;
  • who is not a resident of the Republic of Estonia;
  • who has not been in Estonia for more than one year during the past three years.

The supervisor of the recipient of scholarship in the University of Tartu must be a member of the teaching staff, research staff or, in the field of arts, a creative person with prior experience in supervising doctoral students.

Grant amount
Visiting doctoral students shall be paid:
1. a visiting doctoral student monthly allowance (660 EUR since 1 January 2018);
First payment is done after arrival, then in the beginning of every month.
2. student mobility travel allowance (a fixed unit price, based on the address of the home university).
Travel allowance is paid with the final payment.

Monthly allowance
Example "How to calculate the amount of the grant?"
If a visiting doctoral student is staying in Estonia during 20 January till 20 March 2018, the grant amount will be following:
1) 20 Jan - 31 Jan (12 days) - (660/30)*12 days = 264 EUR
2) February (full month) - 660 EUR
3) 1 March -20 March (20 days) - (660/30)*20 days = 440 EUR
Total: 1364 EUR

Travel grant

Distance calculator

Distance between cities (one-way) Allowance for round-trip (from point of departure to destination and back)
100-499 km 180 EUR
500-1999 km 275 EUR
2000-2999 km 360 EUR
3000-3999 km 530 EUR
4000-7999 km 820 EUR
8000 and more km 1100 EUR

How to apply?
Grant applications to support the studies or research of a foreign visiting PhD student are submitted in two parts.

1. The supervisor in the University of Tartu submits to the Dora Plus coordinator (Annela Oona,

signed individual work plan (in free format) and the objective of the international visiting PhD student for the period while the student is at the University of Tartu. Please mark the duration of the visiting period (dates, if possible).

2. Visiting PhD student can apply in the SoleMOVE mobility administration system. UT supervisor would have to nominate student in the form provided in here. After that student will get access to the system and can start application process.

Student needs to fill in application and upload the following required documents:

1. curriculum vitae (academic);
2. confirmation from the home university that the person is immatriculated as a PhD student during the visit;
3. for students currently enrolled at their home university in a programme with a language of instruction other than English: proof of English language skills;
4. copy of ID card or passport.

Help with documents of visiting PhD students:
Annika Kalda (Study Abroad Centre)
+372 737 6085

Report should be submitted in the end of the study visit (form will be sent by the university coordinator).

When using the grant, the information requirements of European Structural Funds must be complied with and fulfilled (referring and using logos).
E.g. "This research is supported by European Regional Development Fund".
Logos (choose European Union European Regional Development Fund)

Rules of applying for and payment of support of the Dora Plus sub-activity 2.2 for visiting doctoral students

Contact: Annela Oona,

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