Utrecht Network Young Researcher's Grant for Master's and PhD Students

The Utrecht Network (UN) Young Researcher’s Grant is designed to promote and to broaden mobility between the Network's institutions. The grant is for self-organised mobility at one of the Utrecht Network partner universities. List of the UN universities: Utrecht Network - Members.

The grant is limited to thesis research on Master's and PhD level. Students are also allowed to take courses, but priority will be given to ‘research-only’ students.

Scholarship: up to 1200.- EUR (one-time)


  • Mobility period must be between 01.05.2025 - 31.03.2026;
  • Master's and PhD level students;
  • Students can select the foreign university themselves - in order to apply, you need the invitation letter (letter of admission) from the host university. NB! It might take time until the invitation letter can be issued - contact the foreign university well in advance!
  • Minimum length of stay: 4 weeks;
  • Purpose of the mobility: thesis research; it is also allowed to take courses, but priority will be given to ‘research-only’ students;
  • The grant is available only for the students who cannot participate in the Erasmus programme (e.g. length of stay under 2 months; there are no Erasmus agreements with the foreign university in student's study field);
  • More information: Young Researchers Grant.

After the mobility: scholarship holders must submit at the end of the mobility period the final report and confirmation of stay.

Application documents:

  • UN application;
  • Letter of motivation (in English);
  • Letter of recommendation from the supervisor at UT (in English);
  • Transcript of records (with average grade, in English; ask for that from the Dean's office of your faculty);
  • Invitation letter (letter of admission) from host university (in English).

Application documents must be submitted through SoleMOVE application system. Please check the SoleMove guidelines here.

Application deadline: February 19


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