
University of Tartu MOOCs list

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is an entirely online continuing education course which is free and open to all. The MOOC is generally in the amount of 1 ECTS (26 hours of student work) and lasts for 4 weeks.

MOOCs list shows the MOOCs in English starting in the future.

To participate in the MOOC, you must select a course of interest from the list of MOOCs. Before registering, you can read the MOOC materials (See Materials). Registration is based on the personal identification code, name and e-mail address under the Registration link. When registering, you must also enter your postal address, which will be sent to you when you pass the MOOC, if a paper certificate is issued.

Entering the course
MOOC takes place entirely online in the Moodle learning environment and there are no classroom meetings. An instruction to enter the course (including the username and password required to use the Moodle learning environment) will be send to you by email no later than the start date of the MOOC.

Passing the MOOC
The course has all the information related to MOOC - study materials, learning instructions, study guide, etc. necessary for the learner. Each week you need to read certain study materials, take self-tests, graded tests or assignments, and have the opportunity to discuss in the forum and ask questions or help if you have any problems.

Obtaining a certificate
Successful graduates of MOOC will be issued a digital certificate from the University of Tartu, which will be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address provided during registration. The completed courses can be taken into account when completing the degree curricula if there is a suitable course in the respective higher education institution in terms of learning outcomes.

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