Registration for continuing education courses

To attend a course, learners have to register according to the instructions given in the description of the course. Generally, registration is done through the registration link at the description of the course. If this fails for some reason, one can register with the contact person of the course by telephone or e-mail.

Usually, there are no limitations for attending continuing education courses, but sometimes earlier training, work experience, working in a concrete position, etc may be required; therefore, additional documents can be asked at registration. In such cases, this is written in course information.

At registration we collect the following data on the learner (they are processed according to the Data Protection Policy of the university):

  • learner’s name and personal code
  • phone, e-mail address, contact address and postcode
  • place of work (if necessary, e.g. for courses of educational staff)
  • data of the payer (name of the person/institution, personal/registry code and address)

Formation of the study group
Conditions for forming the study group, i.e. the minimum and maximum number of learners are given in the information on the continuing education programme. For open courses, the group is generally formed in the order of registration.

Registration of continuing education learners for courses of degree subjects
If not stated otherwise, continuing education learners must first contact the staff member at the institute teaching the course to negotiate the conditions for studies. Their contacts can be found on the webpage. Thereafter, the learner fills an application, a contract is concluded and s/he can attend the course(s).
For the time of the continuing education course, the person attending the course is registered as a continuing education learner of the University of Tartu.

Refusal to allow to attend studies
The university can refuse to register a person as a continuing education learner if the person does not meet the requirements set in the continuing education programme or the syllabus of the course of degree studies, the maximum number of learners has been reached, or the person owes the university the tuition fee.

Cancellation of studies
If you find after registration that you cannot attend the course, we ask you to inform the contact person of the course by e-mail immediately.

Withdrawal from studies
The university will interrupt the continuing education learner’s studies at his/her request based on an application in a format which can be reproduced in writing.
The conditions for completion of the continuing education programme specify the volume the course that must be attended so that a certificate of attendance could be issued. The document certifying attendance of continuing education is issued at the learner’s request.

The university can interrupt the continuous education learner’s studies at its own initiative if the learner:

  • does not follow the legal acts of the university, generally recognised norms of behaviour and good practice, including if s/he has committed academic fraud.
  • has not fulfilled the requirements for completion of the continuing education programme or syllabus of the degree course.

If the learner wishes to take the same course again after withdrawal from studies, s/he has to register again or ask the contact person of the course for additional information.

Completion of studies and issuing of final documents
The studies are considered completed if the learner has fulfilled all the requirements for completion of the continuing education programme or degree course. The results of the learner’s studies are recorded in the Study Information System and the learner is issued a certificate of completion with an supplement or a certificate of attendance. The documents certifying the completion of the course are generally issued digitally and, depending on the course, either in Estonian or English.