Share and assess your study abroad experience

Before or after your study abroad period we recommend to take part of our Counselling Centre`s seminars.  They are conducting seminars for students of University of Tartu on different topics that support studies and planning the work life. The seminars are free for students.

Seminars of Counselling Centre


Different tools for skills assessment and sharing


It is always a good idea to find out which skills you gain by taking part in study or traineeship abroad. 

Erasmus Skills

Use Erasmus Skills and fill in the assessment before and after mobility and see how your mobility impacts you.

Find your hidden skills during your study abroad with SkillMill!

In studies abroad, internships and working life, we constantly face new situations that require us to understand, improvise, communicate and adapt.

SkillMill is here to help! SkillMill is a mobile app that bridges international studies and employability by helping users translate relevant international experiences into soft skills learning experiences. It provide users with a safe and personal step-by-step reflection process, which helps them connect personal experiences with labour market skills and employer perspectives.

Erasmuse traineeship blog

You can share your experience or get the new ideas how to prepare for the traineeship abroad

garagErasmus Foundation

We also recommend you to join garagErasmus Foundation. Their mission is to improve the lives of people who had international study or work experiences by enabling them to access opportunities that can make their careers more impactful for the European community: garagErasmuse Foundationi

Erasmus skills

Find your hidden skills!

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