Support services for international students

Orientation Course for the new international degree seeking and exchange students is designed to make the start in the university life as smooth as possible. You will find a different sessions and events to help you to settle to the university and city better and find the answers to your questions. 

When you are in a whole new country with a different language and different customs and traditions, getting by may seem a challenging task during the first few days. But do not despair! Below you will find some presentations that will come in handy while you settle down in Tartu.

How to survive in Tartu

Counselling Centre

Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

Erasmus Student Network is open for all students.

Student Union

Tartu Welocme Centre

National character of Estonians

Estonia as an Observatory Upon the World presentation by David Ilmar Lepasaar Beecher

Student to student services

At University of Tartu you will find different bodies devoted to international students-related activities. However, although they all share this focus, each of them has a different take and fills its particular role within the international student community.

International Student Ambassadors (ISA) are current international degree-seeking students of UT. They voluntarily represent their countries, international student community in Estonia and the University of Tartu abroad (conferences, festivals, etc.). Prospective students can contact them and ask about the student life in Estonia. If you are a degree-seeking student at UT, you might want to join them to help potential international students too, lead projects, assist Marketing Office of UT to promote the university abroad and receive experience for your future career.

ESN (Erasmus Student Network) supports all international students studying at the University of Tartu, not only Erasmus programme students as generally viewed.  They bring together and create an international community among students.

It works in close contacts with the Student Council and with the UT Study Abroad Centre. ESN Tartu organizes leisure activities, such as sports events, trips and parties.

Tutors are senior students who volunteer to provide additional guidance and information on several matters, ranging from the study system and student life to living conditions in Tartu. You can get to them with any questions concerning these matters.

If you haven’t heard from your tutor, please send an e-mail to 

The student union’s task is to stand for the students’ interests and needs and support them in protecting their rights. The union has more than 140 students from each institute and faculty, and their work is coordinated by the office and the board. The students are represented in every institute’s and faculty’s council, the Senate’s meeting and every committee that influences student life. 

Other organization devoted to work with a focus on internationalization is International House Tartu. They aim at having different cultures and languages together in the same environment. They celebrate cultural events about foreign countries but they also try to bring foreigners closer to Estonian language, customs and ways of life.