Students with special needs are students of the University of Tartu, whose physical or psycho-social special needs create the necessity to adapt the organisation of work or study environment in order to guarantee an opportunity for maximum participation in the study process and individual development.
The counselling center has put together a guidebook on how to support special needs students. The goal is to give the teaching staff information on different special needs, and recommendations on which adjustments can be offered and when to offer them.
Information and guidelines on how to make adaptations for students with special needs can be found in the pamphlet put together by the counselling center. The pamphlet can be found here.
The objective of providing support services is to help students with special needs to cope independently, support their social integration and equal opportunities and promote efficient involvement in studies. University of Tartu supports students with special needs upon entering the university, participating in studies, making exams and tests, providing study materials as well as creating a suitable social and physical environment.
What to consider, when there is a special needs student in the classroom?
The European Union Social fund along with Primus, supported six small films on special needs students (the films are in Estonian)
Special needs student: aspergers
Special needs student: visually impaired
Special needs student: chronic illness
Special needs student: hearing impaired
Special needs student: physically impaired
Special needs student: mental illness