Ambassador of Japan Yukihiko Matsumura visited the University of Tartu

On 2 February, the new Ambassador of Japan to Estonia Yukihiko Matsumura met the University of Tartu Rector Toomas Asser and visited Delta Centre and the Library. 

The ambassador’s visit started at the Delta Centre where he met the Head of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Kristel Reim and Head of International Business Partnerships Peeter Lembit Nieländer.

Then Rector Toomas Asser hosted the ambassador at the university's main building. Next, Yukihiko Matsumura visited the UT Library to make a donation of books about Japan.

The ambassador’s visit to Tartu ended at Tartu Science Park. 

In the photo, Ambassador of Japan Yukihiko Matsumura and the University of Tartu Rector Toomas Asser. Photo by Sirje Üprus

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