Concert of the University of Tartu Symphony Orchestra “Masterclass: Educational journey with the classics”

The University of Tartu Symphony Orchestra celebrates its 15th anniversary with three concerts this season: on 28 April at 16:00, in Avinurme Culture Centre, on 29 April at 19:00, in Võru Kannel, and on 6 May at 19:00, in the University of Tartu assembly hall.

The orchestra will play “Twilight” by Heino Eller, “Sinfonietta on Estonian Motifs” by Eduard Tubin and “Triple Concerto” by Ludwig van Beethoven. The soloists in the latter are Trio Ardito members Vitalij Regensperger, Camillo Cabassi and Jorma Toots. The conductor is Taavi Kull.

Tickets are available at Fienta.

The concert is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the University of Tartu and the Estonian University of Life Sciences.