
ENLIGHT RISE invites to an online workshop on the responsible evaluation of research and researchers

ENLIGHT RISE Research Assessment Working Group invites policy makers, members of the research and HR support staff, staff members of grant offices, research intelligence specialists and analysts from the University of Tartu to take part in an online workshop on the responsible evaluation of research and researchers on 19 September from 11 to 16. 

A growing international community of universities, research funders and other relevant organisations is seeking comprehensive reform of the current research assessment systems. The European Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment and the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment are at the heart of the reform. Central to the debate is the call for more qualitative evaluations and the responsible use of quantitative indicators. 

During the workshop, the ENLIGHT RISE partners will explore the impact of the current reforms on their own institutions. Attendees are invited to engage in a dialogue on what the local and international trends and developments in research(er) assessment indicate for an international consortium such as ENLIGHT RISE. 

Registration and the programme are available online. Deadline for registration is 12 September. Read more about ENLIGHT.

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Barbora from Czech Republic

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