Filmmakers Olga and Priit Pärn will be new professors of liberal arts of the University of Tartu

In autumn, the current Professor of Liberal Arts of the University of Tartu Kärt Summatavet will hand the position over to Olga and Priit Pärn, who are both internationally recognised filmmakers. This is the first time there will be two professors of liberal arts at the University of Tartu at the same time – so far, there has been only one per academic year.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Anti Selart is very pleased that professors of liberal arts have brought all kinds of arts to the university for many years. “Animation, however, has been missing from this list so far. We are very happy to announce that the world-renowned animators Priit and Olga Pärn will now fill this gap,” said Selart. “I am sure it will be interesting and instructive to benefit from the knowledge and skills of such professors and get a closer look at the creative cooperation of two outstanding artists,” added Selart.

The position of the professor of liberal arts in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities has been created for many-sided development of the intellectuality and creativity of members of the University of Tartu.

Further information: Ene Paldre, Academic Affairs Specialist at the Centre of Arts of the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, 737 5669,

Sandra Sommer
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