Andres Tennus

Opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year

The opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year of the University of Tartu took place on Monday, 2 September at 10:00 in front of the university's main building. Watch a recording of the ceremony on UTTV (with interpretation into English). 

This autumn, 4,689 new students start their studies at the University of Tartu, including 2,823 at the first level of higher education. All in all, there are 15,673 students at the university. “I am pleased that among the new entrants, there are more master’s and doctoral students, teacher education students, and international students compared to the past couple of years,” said Aune Valk, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the University of Tartu. “I wish all new students enjoyable and stimulating discussions with their lecturers and fellow students. Be brave and find your own people – the people to study with, celebrate alumni reunions in the next 50 years, and return to your university.” 

The ceremony started with the opening speech by Rector Toomas Asser. This was followed by a few words from the Mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas. On behalf of the students, president of the UT Student Union Renar Kihho and first-year student of Law at the Faculty of Social Sciences Maret Hallik greeted the participants. 

Ansambel Lonitseera
Ansambel Lonitseera (author: Ekvilibrist)

The Academic Women’s Choir of the University of Tartu performed, and next, the alternative pop ensemble Lonitseera took the stage. The band, which grew out of a singer-songwriter project five years ago, surprised the listeners with their incisive lyrics and sensitive interplay.  

Kaisa Kuslapuu – vocals, piano; author of music and lyrics 
Katariina Tirmaste – flute, back vocals 
Kristin Kaha – back vocals 
Mart Nõmm – double bass 
Tõnis Kirsipu – percussions 

A tent of the UT Gift Shop was set up to the left of the main building, where it was possible to purchase UT gifts and publications. 

The event had simultaneous interpretation into English. 

The ceremony lasted approximately an hour.

Getting started for international students 

:,: Gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus! :,:

Post iucundam iuventutem,

post molestam senectutem

:,: nos habebit humus. :,:


:,: Vivat academia, vivant professores! :,:

Vivat membrum quodlibet,

vivant membra quaelibet,

:,: semper sint in flore! :,:


:,: Vivat et res publica et qui illam regit! :,:

Vivat nostra civitas,

maecenatum caritas,

:,: quae nos hic protegit! :,:

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