Peep Veski, Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics of the University of Tartu was named Honorary Doctor of Semmelweis University. Regalia of Honorary Doctor will be handed over on 15 November, 2013 at Semmelweis University in Budapest.
The degree of Honorary Doctor, which will be issued this year for 39th time at Semmelweis University, recognizes people who have had a long and scientifically productive cooperation relationship with Semmelweis University in addition to considerable contribution to promoting international science.
Cooperation between Professor Peep Veski and Semmelweis University has lasted for more than 30 years, with Pharmacognosy Institute after defence of dissertation regarding improvement of specification methods of cannabinoids, and later with the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology.
According to Marco Kirm, the Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Tartu, the attribution of such title is foremost great recognition to the science-related work of Professor Peep Veski, but it is also very important to the whole academic family of the University of Tartu. “Denomination of Professor Veski a Honorary Doctor considerably emphasises his active international pharmacy-related science activities and development teaching of this. It is a great honour that additionally to his consistent activity in preparing Estonian pharmacists, he has taken the University of Tartu to the world map in the field of pharmacy, thus by contributing to changing the University more international,” said Kirm.
Peep Veski is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics of the University of Tartu, Head of the Institute of Pharmacy and programme manager of daytime pharmacist training and Doctoral Studies of Pharmacy. The main directions of his science-related work are research into physical properties of solid substances included in composition of pharmaceutical drugs, clarification of the effect of the above-mentioned properties on biopharmaceutical quality of pharmaceutical drugs, design of solid pharmaceutical drugs with modified duration of the effect, research into the functionality of excipients.
Peep Veski graduated from Semmelweis University in 1975 in the field of pharmacy. He defended the degree of the Candidate of Biology at Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1980. He defended the degree of Doctor of Pharmacy in the field of biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics in 1994 at the University of Helsinki. Veski has cooperated both with the Hungarian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Hungarian Association of Pharmacists already for a long time. Veski is a co-author of several chapters in the textbook of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics prepared by the Universities of Semmelweis and Szeged.
Professor Peep Veski has been recognized with a small medal of the University of Tartu (2010), a prize of European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (2008), a medal of Complutense University of Madrid (2006), and Spanish Royal Academy of Pharmacy has named him their correspondent member (2003). In 2006, Hungarian Pharmacy Association denominated Peep Veski their honorary member.
Further information: Peep Veski, Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics of the University of Tartu, phone: 737 5288, 516 7556, E-mail: