Professor Mihkel Zilmer receives Lifetime Achievement Award for Popularisation of Science

At the science communication conference “Science on Social Media – Between Entertainment and Noise?”, held at the Dorpat Convention Centre in Tartu on 21 November, the 2018 national science communication awards were presented.

The Tiiu Sild Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award for the long-standing and systematic popularisation of science and technology was granted to Professor of Medical Biochemistry Mihkel Zilmer, a researcher and professor who has introduced the basics of science-based nutrition for over 40 years.

Several other awards were granted to UT employees.

  • 2nd prize was awarded to zoologist and teacher Aivo Tamm, who has successfully aroused and maintained students’ interest in natural science through his outstanding work with hobby groups. 
  • 2nd prize was also awarded to the zoology blog Zooloogid 2.0, led by Senior Specialist for Research Communication Randel Kreitsberg and Research Fellow in Animal Ecology Tuul Sepp.
  • 2nd prize for publications was awarded to Professor of Technology of Antimicrobial Compounds Tanel Tenson for the series of articles “Antibiotics and Drug Resistance”.
  • First prize for the best new initiative in the popularisation of research and technology was given to the marathon of nature observations. One of the leaders of this initiative is Chief Expert of UT Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden Veljo Runnel.

“At the Estonian Research Council we see that the competition for science communication awards is getting tougher year by year. This is definitely a sign of an advancement in science communication. We can only be happy that increasingly more researchers consider speaking and writing about their research as an integral part of their day-to-day work. I believe this year’s laureates will set an example for many. Science helps us better understand the world and cope with our everyday life, and it is the best way to explore and further the progress of the world,” said Karin Jaanson, Executive Director of Estonian Research Council.

The Estonian science popularisation award has been issued since 2006. The award is financed by the Ministry of Education and Research and granted by the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Estonian Research Council.

The award is intended to recognise people who popularise science and to boost and draw more attention to activities that introduce science and technology to the general public.

Further information:
Katrin Saart
Competition Coordinator
5695 5985

Terje Tuisk
Head of Department of Science Communication
511 0356