Andres Tennus

Ülo Mander was elected as member of the Academy of Sciences in global change

At today's annual meeting of the general assembly of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Ülo Mander, Professor of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology and Head of the Chair of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology at the University of Tartu, was elected as a member of the academy in the field of global change.

Mander is one of the most prominent developers of landscape ecology and environmental sciences in Estonia today. He has dedicated his entire research career to the study of element fluxes of landscapes and landscape ecology in general, and to the development of ecotechnological techniques. His research has combined ecology and engineering to open up new ways of using ecosystems to regulate natural and anthropogenic element fluxes in the landscape.

Ülo Mander's presentation at the conference for candidate academy members on 4 April can be rewatched.

Eight candidates were nominated for the position of Academy Member of Global Change, six of whom were from the University of Tartu. In addition to Mander, the other nominees were Professor in Environmental Physics Heikki Junninen, Professor of Systematic Theology Anne Kull, Professor in Remote Sensing and Marine Optics Tiit Kutser, Professor of Ecosemiotics and Environmental Humanities and Head of the Department of Semiotics Timo Maran, and Professor of Environmental Health, Head of the Centre for Sustainable Development and Research Fellow at Umeå University Hans Orru.

To be elected a member, the candidate needs to receive 2/3 of the votes of the academicians present at the meeting.

Together with the academician elected today, the Estonian Academy of Sciences now has a total of 76 members and 19 foreign members.

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