University of Tartu is looking for attractive and sustainable green area design for Maarjavälja

Tartus Maarjamõisas paiknev Maarjaväli. Foto: Rutt Piir

The new year will bring an exciting landscape architecture competition seeking to find the best design for the undeveloped open areMaarjaväljaat Maarjamõisa, Tartu. It is an about 13-hectare land plot owned by the University of Tartu, with a number of the university’s research and study buildings as well as medical institutions in the surrounding area.

The detailed plan, which was approved in 2017, planned buildings of the University of Tartu campus at the edge of the current wasteland, and a 2.8 ha green area in the middle. While no new buildings are planned in the upcoming years, the university wants to start to construct the park area as soon as possible. To find the most suitable design idea, a competition is organised. The design solution should be connected with the existing roads and the green network. Thus, also temporary solutions could be offered for the area around the competition area, to be used until the development is completed.

The main objective of the competition is to present innovative green solutions, the performance, efficiency and worth of which could be monitored and analysed in the Maarjavälja area by University of Tartu researchers. Research studies conducted in the green area and their findings will serve as a model for future green solution designs. In addition to the scientific aspect, the green space will be a place where the people working, studying and living in the area can get away from their daily routine, relax outdoors and enjoy a change of environment. Also, classes can be organised there.

The winner of the competition would be a creative design that enhances biodiversity, highlights the benefits of nature and applies the best knowledge and practice of modern landscape architecture to create high recreational value.

According to initial plans, the competition terms and conditions will be published in February 2022 in the Public Procurement Register.

Maarjavälja area at Maarjamõisa, Tartu. Photo by Rutt Piir

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