Visiting students from Estonian universities

International students from other Estonian higher education institutions are welcome to become visiting students at the University of Tartu by taking courses here.

A visiting student may study at the University of Tartu for one or two semesters at a time. If a student wishes to come for longer, a new application is needed. Regarding the organisation of study, the international visiting student will have all the rights and responsibilities of a University of Tartu student.

1. Find the courses you would like to take. Courses offered by the University of Tartu can be found in the Study Information System.

2. Complete an application and seek approval from your home university.

3. An application signed by you and your home university must be sent to the general address of the UT institute or faculty offering the courses you want to take:
• in Faculty of Arts and Humanities to,
• in Faculty of Medicine to,
• in Faculty of Science and Technology to,
• in Faculty of Social Sciences to general email of the institute offering the course; please find the contacts of the institutes by clicking "All UT contacts" at the top right corner of the page.

The application with the approvals of both universities will be sent to the Office of Academic Affairs (Jakobi 1), usually by an employee of the faculty. Thereafter the applicant will be registered as an international visiting student of the University of Tartu.

4. To take courses, students need to register for courses in the SIS. International visiting students can register for courses until two weeks of the beginning of the semester. Alternatively, an employee of the dean’s office can register the international visiting student for courses (after the two weeks have passed). International visiting students can use the SIS one week before the start of the semester (see UT academic calendar) if they are registered as international visiting students by that day, and received UT username and password.

For using the Study Information System (SIS), the username and an automatically generated password of the UT computer network will be sent to the email address shown on the application of the international visiting student. The username and password are sent by the IT Helpdesk only when the student registers for the first time; the same username can be used in later periods of study. If no email address has been given in the application, it is impossible to send a username and password and in this case the visiting student would need to contact the IT Helpdesk (

What to do if you have forgotten your password?

At the end of the study period, the dean’s office at the faculty, or the office at the institute/college, issues a transcript of records to the international visiting student. To receive the transcript, please contact the dean’s office of the faculty or the office of the institute/college.

A visiting international student's studies can be extended based on the student’s application if the same course continues in the following semester. The application must be submitted to the relevant faculty or institute.

The University of Tartu has reciprocal tuition-free arrangements for studies as an international visiting student at the following Estonian higher education institutions:

  • The Institute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • The Estonian University of Life Sciences
  • The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
  • The Estonian Academy of Arts
  • The Estonian Aviation Academy
  • The Estonian Military Academy
  • The Estonian Free Church Theological Seminary
  • Tallinn University of Technology
  • Tallinn University
  • Pallas University of Applied Sciences
  • TTK University of Applied Sciences

International students from other higher education institutions, not listed above, are also welcome to study as international visiting students at the University of Tartu, however tuition fee is applicable based on the credit point price (excluding doctoral studies). The application can be found here.

Academic calender

Registration for courses

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