Topic: cooperation

Computer scientist François Flückiger gives an evening talk linking the internet’s fascinating history and philosophy
François Flückiger delivers a popular-science evening talk “When Internet history meets philosophy” in lecture hall 1037 of the University of Tartu’s Delta study building on 28 August at 20:30
22. August 2023 cooperationfor society
Tartu to enhance cybersecurity for smart city solutions
The city of Tartu and the University of Tartu signed a cooperation with CybExer Technologies to understand cyber threats better, enhance the cybersecurity of smart city solutions and raise awareness.
Lecturer at the Institute of Computer Science co-founded a company that received a large grant from the European Innovation Council
Thanks to cutting-edge research at the Institute of Computer Science, BetterMedicine, a company that automates the analysis of cancer CT scans, has received a boost. BetterMedicine was recently awarded a €2.5 million grant from the European Innovation Council's Accelerator.
University of Tartu helped to develop IT infrastructure for personalised medicine
UT has completed the IT infrastructure for personalised medicine, enabling Estonian doctors and nurses to use genetic data for disease prevention and finding the best treatment plan for each person.
ENLIGHT pursues its ambitions and successfully secures 14.4 million € 
The European Commission has published the selection results of the 2023 Erasmus+ call for proposals for European Universities.
Botanical Garden’s anniversary celebrations culminate on 27 June
The University of Tartu Botanical Garden celebrates its 220th anniversary in June, when the garden is colourful and blooming. On 27 June, the celebrations continue with tree-planting and a concert by Lonitseera in the Botanical Garden’s alpine garden. 
Europe’s innovation gap cannot be closed overnight yet needs urgent action
Although several measures have been put in place to close the innovation gap between the old and the new EU member states, the gap continues to increase.
Researchers from more than 30 countries across the world will gather in Tartu to discuss the past, present, and future of Eastern Europe and Eurasia
The Seventh Annual Tartu Conference on East European and Eurasian Studies on 11–13 June 2023 will bring more than 200 researchers from 33 countries to Tartu
08. June 2023 cooperationresearch
ENLIGHT invites to online lecture on smart systems and robotics
ENLIGHT invites participants to an online lecture on 14 June at 16:00 where three experts discuss modern smart systems and the developments of robotics.  
Invitation to ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference 2023
Teaching staff of the University of Tartu are encouraged to apply to participate in the ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference 2023 held in Bordeaux from 11 to 13 October.