Why choose an ENLIGHT university for studying abroad?

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The application period for Erasmus+ study mobility for the 2025/2026 academic year runs from 1 February to 10 March, offering students the opportunity to choose, among others, an ENLIGHT member university as the study destination.

The ENLIGHT network consists of ten classical research universities: the University of the Basque Country, the University of Bern, the University of Bordeaux, Comenius University Bratislava, the University of Galway, Ghent University, the University of Groningen, the University of Göttingen, the University of Tartu, and Uppsala University.

One of ENLIGHT's goals is to accelerate student mobility and promote the acquisition of international learning experiences. To support this, the University of Tartu has concluded, besides subject-specific student exchange agreements, an Erasmus+ cooperation agreement, which allows students, generally regardless of their curriculum, to apply for one-semester studies at the network’s partner universities.

Mariete Tamm

Mariete Tamm, a political science student of at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu, studied as an exchange student at the University of Bern in Switzerland in the autumn of 2024. The experience gave her the opportunity to study at a university with a strong academic background and to be part of an international learning environment with English as the working language. "In addition, it is possible to establish connections with other partner universities. For example, you can take courses at the University of Fribourg, which is just a half-hour train ride from Bern," said Tamm.

In addition to the strong educational system and international environment, Mariete Tamm highlighted the active international student network at the University of Bern, which organises exciting events every week, offering opportunities to meet new people. The studies are also slightly more affordable thanks to additional scholarships from the Swiss-European Mobility Programme, SEMP.

"The advantage of Bern is its location in the heart of Switzerland, allowing travel by train both within the country and to neighbouring countries. At the same time, the city is calm, student-friendly, and safe," said Mariete Tamm. Her second choice would have been Ghent University, about which she had also heard positive feedback.

The experience stories by Mariete and other students are available in the student experience corner, which is regularly updated.

University of Tartu students are welcome to apply to ENLIGHT partner universities through traditional Erasmus+ student exchange programmes, participate in short-term blended learning courses (Erasmus+ BIP), or enrich their studies with online courses of interest. The next application round for BIP courses will open in March.

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