
Students' feedback

This page features students' feedback on various conferences, seminars, BIPs and international studies. 


1. What opportunities has ENLIGHT offered you?

Teele: I've got to know the layout, work ethics and members of other student representations in the network. I also got an overview of the mundane problems of the student reps and shared our best experience in resolving various issues. 

Anette-Mai: ENLIGHT has helped to create an important communication network. It is great to have connections in different universities all around the world that help to share the experience in understanding the universities and student representations and in political questions. 

Kirke: I've got the chance to meet new people from other universities and speak about student related issues. 


2. What will you gain from the experience?

Teele: I will take with me the knowledge that the universities share similar problems internationally. Also, I will take with me some useful international contacts. I got to see how different cultures work in resolving issues. 

Anette-Mai: I'm a member of the ENLIGHT Student Network and my job was to organise the conference for student representatives. I will take with me the experience of organising an event abroad, also all the aquiantances, knowledge, and ideas that help me work on the situation and on the ENLIGHT Student Network.

Kirke: For me, it was very valuable to meet with people from other universities and get to know how they organise things and what we can learn from it. It helped me understand that there are many different opinions and prospects. 


3. How did you hear about ENLIGHT?

Teele: From the mailing list of my home institute. 

Anette-Mai: I heard about ENLIGHT because I'm a part of the Student Network and student representation at the University of Tartu.  

Kirke: I heard about ENLIGHT's short-term mobility programmes via the students mailing list, and later I found out more thanks to working in the ENLIGHT Student Network.   

4. What ENLIGHT events would you like to take part of in the future? 

Teele: Conferences, developmental seminars, and short-term mobility programmes.  

Anette-Mai: As a student representative, I would like to take part in similar conferences to continue working with people I've already met. I would also like to see what is an ENLIGHT's short-term mobility programme. When there are ENLIGHT-related events in Estonia, I would like to get more information ofr participation. 

Kirke: As a representative, I would surely like to take part in conferences and I've also considered short-term mobility programme. I would also participate in the ENLIGHT events that take part in Estonia.  

Enlight meeting

1) How are students involved in the general meeting? 

The general mid-year meeting in Bilbao was important to both students and staff. There were multiple parallel working groups, where students representatives were also present. During those two days onsite, the groups discussed ENLIGHT-related stuff. I (Kirke Piiskoppel) took part in communication and visibility working group, where I could add valuable perspective as a student representative to enhance ENLIGHT communication marketing. Anette-Mai participated in the directors and rectors' meeting. We also had a student representatives' meeting, where we discussed the plans for the new semester, the sustainability of the Student Network, and our future visions. 


2) What do you take with you from the experience?

Participation in the Bilbao meeting was extremely valuable, since regularly we work via web and onsite we could communicate face-to-face and discuss different, yet universal ENLIGHT-related questions. We were able to strengthen our relationships with our peers and create new contacts with staff members from other universities.


3) What about the communication between students and staff members? 

The general meeting provided an excellent opportunity for the students and staff members to communicate more. As student network representatives, it was interesting to meet with student representatives and staff members from other universities. It gave a wider perspective of the whole ENLIGHT network. We felt in the working group that our opinions were welcome and heard :) 


Ivan Puhachov

"Studying at the University of Groningen through the Erasmus BIP Course has been an exceptional experience that has not only expanded my academic knowledge but also enriched my personal growth. I would highly recommend this university to any student seeking a challenging yet rewarding educational experience in a welcoming international environment." - Ivan Puhachov